Hospitality & Tourism

Advances in Hospitality and Tourism

Women and Travel
Historical and Contemporary Perspectives

Editors: Catheryn Khoo-Lattimore, PhD
Erica Wilson, PhD

Women and Travel

Published. Available now.
Pub Date: April 2017
Hardback Price: see ordering info
Hard ISBN: 9781771884686
Paperback ISBN: 978-1-77463-696-1
E-Book ISBN: 9781315365879
Pages: 300pp w/ index
Binding Type: hardbound / ebook / paperback
Series: Advances in Hospitality and Tourism
Notes: 6 color and 6 b/w illustrations

“A much-needed global perspective of the experiences of women travelling from different countries, cultures, backgrounds, religions and life stages—one of the book’s most notable contributions. . . . This book provides various perspectives on women travellers and the role of independence, resistance, and empowerment in their experiences. . . . Women and Travel is useful for both academics and the travel industry. It includes practical ideas regarding wellness vacations, perceptions of safety, travel motivations, and online exchange networks. Throughout the book, authors provide ideas of future research questions and unexplored avenues and populations to examine. . . . [The book] helps the reader consider how far we have come as women travellers, as well as the work that remains to be agents of social change to help women who are ‘carrying their backpacks along with various socially constructed baggage.’”
—Annals of Leisure Research,
review by Sarah Taylor Agate, The College at Brockport, State University of New York, Brockport, NY, USA

“This timely and engaging collection concerning women, gender and travel documents the growing diversity in experience, desires and industry practice. Simultaneously many chapters portray global/local sexism continuing to shape what women want as travelers and what they can actually have, in contrast to potential paths toward gender equality.”
—Margaret Byrne Swain, University of California, Davis

“Provides a multitude of insights and perspectives on women and travel (consumers) and as such acts as a balance for the numerous books on women in their role as workers (producers) in the tourism industry.”
—Heather Gibson, PhD, Professor, Department of Tourism, Recreation & Sport Management, University of Florida

“Catheryn Khoo-Lattimore and Erica Wilson have assembled an impressive gathering of established and emerging scholars in this collection focused on gendered discourses around resistance, independence, empowerment, and indi¬vidual agency in and through travel. It is a long overdue book and will be required reading for students and scholars interested in any aspect of women’s travel experiences. The individual chapters offer a series of richly researched, compelling and highly, readable narratives, and as a whole the book constitutes a hugely significant contribution to the field of tourism and gender research.
—Nigel Morgan, Professor and Chair in Visitor Economy Management, School of Management, Swansea University

Now Available in Paperback

Women and Travel: Historical and Contemporary Perspectives
is a fascinating look at the behavior, motivations, experiences, and needs of women as tourists and travellers, drawing on both historic and contemporary eras. Surprisingly little research has explored key issues, experiences, and opportunities in the context of women’s travel. This revealing volume fills this gap, exploring the discourses, debates, and discussions about women, travel, and tourism.

With an international roster of contributors from diverse regions of the world, the book celebrates a variety of women’s voices. Khoo-Lattimore and Wilson deliberately sought to include nontraditional and non-Western perspectives on women’s travel, with inclusions of Asian solo female travelers; Islamic women travellers and the constraints placed on them; and women who cannot travel (or choose, for whatever reason, a ‘home holiday’).

This enlightening volume brings together scholars from the broad areas of tourism, hospitality, geography, and leisure studies to examine how and why women travel. The chapters bring light to perspectives from different countries, cultures, backgrounds, and religions, and utilize different methods, approaches and styles of presentation.

  • Provides historical accounts of women’s travel
  • Explores women’s travel issues and constraints
  • Looks at gendered approaches to studying women’s travel
  • Examines contemporary women’s travel: trends and experiences industry highlights and trend
Women and Travel: Historical and Contemporary Perspectives will be of interest to academics and graduate students from a range of disciplines, including tourism, leisure studies, sociology, cultural geography, anthropology, feminist and gender studies, business, economics and management; as well as professionals working in the tourism industry, particularly those with an interest in niche markets and segmentation.

Chapter 1: Introduction: Women and Travel, Past and Present
Catheryn Khoo-Lattimore and Erica Wilson

Section I: Historical Accounts of Women’s Travel

Chapter 2: Women and the Tourist Gaze: Historical and Contemporary Issues for Women Traveling in Male-Dominated Public Space
Davina Stanford
Chapter 3: Opportunity to Escape: The OE and New Zealand Women Travelers
Jude Wilson

Section II: Women’s Travel Issues and Constraints

Chapter 4: A Time and Space of One’s Own: Women’s Resistance to the Motherhood Discourse on Family Holidays
Heike A. Schänzel
Chapter 5: Citizens of the World: Brazilian Women’s Performances in Independent Travel
Gisele Carvalho, Carlos Costa, Maria Manuel Baptista, and Fiona Bakas
Chapter 6: Iranian Women Traveling: Exploring an Unknown Universe
Rokhshad Tavakoli and Paolo Mura

Section III: Gendered Approaches to Studying Women’s Travel

Chapter 7: Expanding Understanding: Using the ‘Choraster’ to Provide a Voice for the Female Traveler
Jennie Small and Stephen Wearing
Chapter 8: Women’s Travel Narratives of Paris and the Emotional Geographies of Place
Kelley A. McClinchey
Chapter 9: Risk Perception of Asian Solo Female Travelers: An Autoethnographic Approach
Elaine Chiao Ling Yang

Section IV: Contemporary Women’s Travel: Trends and Experiences

Chapter 10: Independent Women Travelers’ Experiences and Identity Development through Multi-sensual Experiences in New Zealand
Linda M. Myers
Chapter 11: Travelers, Tourists, Migrants or Workers? Transformative Journeys of Migrant Women
Agnieszka Rydzik
Chapter 12: Home Holidays as Real Holidays? Midlife Single Women’s Experiences
Bente Heimtun
Chapter 13: Women Traveling for Health Tourism: Findings from Focus Groups in Austria
Margret Jaeger, Magdalena Hoffmann, and Maria Oprodovsky

Section V: Industry Perspectives

Chapter 14: ‘Industry Highlight’: Fear and Loathing: Women Travelers and Safety in India
Sue Beeton
Chapter 15: ‘Industry Highlight’: The Role of a Female-Only Online Hospitality Network in the Changing World of Women’s Independent Travel
Mandy Rowe

About the Authors / Editors:
Editors: Catheryn Khoo-Lattimore, PhD
Senior Lecturer, Department of Tourism, Sport and Hotel Management, Griffith University, Queensland, Australia

Catheryn Khoo-Lattimore holds a PhD in Consumer Behaviour from the University of Otago, New Zealand, and has worked in Malaysia, United States, and now Australia. She was a 2013/14 Fulbright Scholar with residency at the University of Florida and is now a senior lecturer in the Department of Tourism, Sport and Hotel Management at Griffith University, Queensland, Australia. Dr. Khoo-Lattimore’s current research interest is on tourist and guest behavior, with a passionate focus on women, families, and young children. She is also particularly interested in understanding these segments from an Asian perspective and how their travel experience and behaviors differ cross-culturally. She serves on the editorial boards of the Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Education, the Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management, Tourism Review , and Anatolia. She is an executive committee member of The Council for Australasian Tourism and Hospitality Education (CAUTHE) and board member of the Asia Pacific Council on Hotel, Restaurant, and Institutional Education (APacCHRIE). She is also the founder and chair of Women Academics in Tourism (WAiT). Dr. Khoo-Lattimore lives in a bayside suburb with her husband and their three young children and attempts furniture upcycling in her spare time, when she can find any.

Erica Wilson, PhD
Associate Professor and Deputy Head, School of Business and Tourism, Southern Cross University, Lismore, New South Wales, Australia

Erica Wilson, PhD, is Associate Professor, Deputy Head, and Director of Teaching and Learning in the School of Business and Tourism, Southern Cross University, Limsore, New South Wales, Australia. Her doctoral thesis (Griffith University) was an interpretive, qualitative exploration into the constraints faced by Australian solo women travelers. Erica also holds a postgraduate diploma in environmental studies (Adelaide University) and a first-class honours degree in tourism administration (James Cook University). Her scholarly publications and research interests focus on critical pedagogy and theory in tourism, gender and tourism, leisure constraints and negotiation, sustainable tourism in protected areas, and qualitative/ feminist methodologies. Erica currently sits on the Editorial Advisory Boards for Hospitality and Society, Journal of Tourism and Development, and the Annals of Leisure Research (where she was also Associate Editor and Book Reviews Editor from 2008-2015). Erica was a member of the Gondwana Rainforests of Australia World Heritage Technical and Scientific and Advisory Committee from 2006-2015. She lives on a rural property in Northern New Wales, bordering a World-Heritage national park, with her partner and two children. Erica would love to have more time to be an independent woman traveler.

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