AAP Series on Digital Signal Processing, Computer Vision and Image Processing

About the Series

Book Series Editors:
Dr. Manoj Gupta, PhD

Associate Professor, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering,
JECRC University, Jaipur (Rajasthan), India
Email: manojgupta35@yahoo.co.in

Dr. Pradeep Kumar, PhD
Discipline of Electrical, Electronic and Computer Engineering, Howard College Campus,
University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban-4041, South Africa
Email: pkumar_123@yahoo.com, kumarp@ukzn.ac.za

About the Book Series:
Digital signal processing, computer vision, and image processing are considered to be one of the most rapidly evolving areas of research and technology today, with growing applications in almost all disciplines of engineering. Medical imaging, computer vision, healthcare, medical applications, remote sensing, agriculture, robotics, communication systems, and space exploration are some of the applications of digital signal processing, computer vision, and image processing, to name a few. The present day curriculum covers many aspects of digital signal processing, computer vision, and image processing, addressing the theoretical aspects in particular. This book series on digital signal processing, computer vision, and image processing is intended to supplement theoretical knowledge with special emphasis on the practical side. The series content has been specifically chosen to give a thorough understanding of the fundamental aspects to advanced applications of digital signal processing, computer vision, and image processing.

The series is open to monographs, handbooks, authored books, edited volumes, and conference proceedings.

This series aims to embrace all aspects, subfields, and new challenges in the followings research domains (Related Topics) but are not limited to:

Image and Video Processing: Image filtering, restoration and enhancement, image segmentation, video segmentation and tracking, morphological processing, feature extraction and analysis, interpolation and super-resolution, motion detection and estimation, computer vision, pattern recognition, content-based image retrieval, image/signal computations and services, features and models for image/signals, machine learning based image and signal processing, data mining techniques, imaging algebra, mathematical morphology, probabilistic, statistical, optimization, approximation theory, models in imaging science, video signal processing, visualization, watermarking, video surveillance, video compression and streaming, video analysis and event recognition, biometrics , medical image analysis, artificial intelligence and related areas.

Signal Processing: Filters theory, spectral analysis, time-frequency and time-scale representation, EEG/ECG signals, FIR/IIR and adaptive filters, statistical signal processing, filtering, detection and estimation, nonlinear signal processing, radar, antennas, telecommunications systems, acoustics. Signal processing theory and methods, high signal processing: integrating 5G and IoT with satellite networks, hands-free speech communication and microphone arrays, wearable sensor signal processing, architecture and frameworks, audio/speech processing and coding, watermarking, data mining techniques, statistical and optical signal processing, communication signal processing, DSP system and embedded systems, multimedia processing, artificial intelligence , IoT, cyber physical systems and related areas.

Computer Vision: Algorithms, feature extraction and pattern recognition, ML and deep learning in vision, CBIR, object and face recognition, AR/VR, object detection and localization, 3D object extraction, tracking and visual navigation, cognitive and biological inspired vision, artificial intelligence, machine learning , ubiquitous computing and related areas.

Applications Areas: Biometric, bioinformatics and biomedical imaging, medial images and applications, healthcare applications, agriculture applications, augmented and mixed reality, mental health and cognitive stimulations, security and video-surveillance, quality control and inspection, archaeology, remote sensing, embedded systems and applications, automated vehicles, speech and music processing, robotics, rehabilitation, occupational therapy and telemedicine, artificial intelligence and machine learning/deep learning based applications, cyber physical systems, Internet of Things (IoT), Industry 4.0, Medicine 5.0 and other related applications.

To propose suggestions for this book series, please contact the book series editors.

Final book manuscripts should be minimum 250–500 pages per volume (11 point Times Roman in MS-Word with 1.5 line spacing).

Books and chapters in the series will be included in Google Scholar and selectively in Scopus and possibly other related abstracting/indexing services.

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Techniques in Image Processing and Computer Vision
Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Techniques in Image Processing and Computer Vision
Editors: Karm Veer Arya, PhD, Ciro Rodriguez Rodrigues, PhD, Saurabh Singh, PhD
Computational Imaging and Analytics in Biomedical Engineering
Computational Imaging and Analytics in Biomedical Engineering
Editors: T. R. Ganesh Babu, PhD, U. Saravanakumar, PhD, and Balachandra Pattanaik, PhD

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