Research Notes on Computing and Communication Sciences

About the Series

Dr. Samarjeet Borah

Department of Computer Applications,
Sikkim Manipal Institute of Technology,
Sikkim Manipal University (SMU),
Majhitar, East Sikkim-737136, India

Brief Description of the Series:

Computing can be defined as the practice in which computer technology is used to do a goal-oriented assignment. It covers design and development of hardware and software systems for various purposes. Computing devices are becoming an integral part of life now-a-days, including desktops, laptops, hand-held devices, smartphones, smart home appliances, etc. The evolution of the Internet of Things (IoT) has further enriched the same. The domain is ever growing and opening up many new endeavors, including cloud computing, social computing, ubiquitous computing, parallel computing, grid computing, etc.

In parallel with computing, another field has emerged that deals with the interconnection of devices. It is communication, and without which, the modern world cannot be thought of. It works with a basic purpose of transferring information from one place or person to another. This technology has a great influence in modern day society. It influences business and society by making the interchange of ideas and facts more efficient. Communication technologies include the Internet, multimedia, e-mail, telephone, and other sound-based and video-based communication means.

This new book series consists of both edited volumes as well as selected papers from various conferences. Volumes of the series contain the latest research findings in the field of communication engineering, computer science and engineering, and informatics. Therefore, the books cater to the needs of researchers and readers of a broader spectrum.

Coverage & Approach:
The series

  • Covers a broad spectrum of research domains
  • Present on market-demanded product-based research works
  • Discusses the latest developments in the field
The book series will broadly consider the contributions from the following fields:
  • Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems
  • Big Data Analytics
  • Broadband Convergence System and Integration Technologies
  • Cellular and Mobile Communication
  • Cloud Computing Technologies
  • Computational Biology and Bioinformatics
  • Computer and Information Security
  • Computer Architecture
  • Computer Graphics and Video Processing
  • Control Systems
  • Database Management Systems
  • Data Mining
  • Design Automation
  • Digital Signal Processing
  • GSM Communication
  • High Performance Computing
  • Human-Computer Interaction
  • IoT and Blockchains
  • Machine Learning
  • Natural Language Processing
  • Next Generation Communication Technologies
  • Operating Systems & Networking
  • Pervasive Computing and Cyber-Physical Systems
  • Robotics and Automation
  • Signal Processing
  • Smart Internet of Everything
  • SOC and System Platform Design Technologies
  • Social Network Analysis
  • Soft Computing
Types of Volumes:
This series presents recent developments in the domains of computing and communications. It includes the current work and research findings going on in various research labs, universities, and institutions and aims lead to development of market demanded products. It reports substantive results on a wide range of computational approaches applied to a real-world problems. The series provides volumes that include empirical studies and theoretical analysess or comparisons to psychological phenomena. The series includes the following types of volumes:
  • Authored Volumes
  • Edited Volumes
Volumes from the series must be suitable as reference books for researchers, academicians, students, and industry professionals.

The books in this series are submitted to SCOPUS and WoS for evaluation and possible indexing.

To propose suggestions for this book series, please contact the book series editor-in-chief. Book manuscripts should be minimum 250–500 pages per volume (11 point Times Roman in MS-Word with 1.5 line spacing).

Books and chapters in the series are included in Google Scholar and selectively in Scopus and possibly other related abstracting/indexing services.

Intelligent IoT Systems for Big Data Analysis
Intelligent IoT Systems for Big Data Analysis
Editors: Subhendu Kumar Pani, Abhay Kumar Samal, Puneet Mishra, Ruchi Doshi, and Tzung-Pei Hong
Intelligent System Algorithms and Applications in Science and Technology
Intelligent System Algorithms and Applications in Science and Technology
Editors: Sunil Pathak, PhD, Pramod Kumar Bhatt, PhD, Sanjay Kumar Singh, PhD, Ashutosh Tripathi, PhD, and Pankaj Kumar Pandey, PhD
Applied Soft Computing
Applied Soft Computing
Editors: Samarjeet Borah, PhD and Ranjit Panigrahi, PhD
Computing and Communications Engineering in Real-Time Application Development
Computing and Communications Engineering in Real-Time Application Development
Editors: B. K. Mishra, PhD, Samarjeet Borah, PhD, and Hemant Kasturiwale, PhD
Applied Soft Computing Techniques
Applied Soft Computing Techniques
Editors: Samarjeet Borah, PhD, Ratna Raja Kumar Jambi, PhD, Sharifah Sakinah Syed Ahmad, PhD, and Mahendra Prabhakar Deore, PhD
Cyber-Physical Systems
Cyber-Physical Systems
Editors: Rajanikanth Aluvalu, PhD, Samarjeet Borah, PhD, and Lalit Garg, PhD
Solving Differential Equations
Solving Differential Equations
Editors: Dr. Geeta Arora Dr. Firdous A. Shah
Intelligent Computing and Analytics in Image Processing
Intelligent Computing and Analytics in Image Processing
Editors: Samarjeet Borah, PhD, Jambi Ratna Raja Kumar, PhD, Laxmi Bewoor, PhD, Rahul Joshi, PhD, and Mahendra Prabhakar Deore, PhD

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