Plant Science & Botany

Innovations in Horticultural Science

The Vegetable Pathosystem
Ecology, Disease Mechanism, and Management

Editors: Mohammad Ansar, PhD
Abhijeet Ghatak, PhD

The Vegetable Pathosystem

Published. Available now.
Pub Date: December 2019
Hardback Price: See Ordering info
Hard ISBN: 9781771887762
Paperback Price: see ordering info
Paperback ISBN: 978-1-77463-454-7
E-Book Price:  see ordering info
E-Book ISBN: 9780429022999
Pages: 578pp w/index
Binding Type: hardbound / ebook / paperback
Series: Innovations in Horticultural Science
Notes: 14 color and 44 b/w illustrations

Now Available in Paperback

The new book The Vegetable Pathosystem: Ecology, Disease Mechanism, and Management provides an overview of the multitude of pathogens that plague vegetables in various conditions as well as the growing concerns associated with these phytopathogens. Variability in vegetable pathogens is a critical issue, particularly in changing environments, as it presents challenges to accurate diagnoses and proper management. This book focuses on the diverse ecology of phytopathogens, covering the varying disease categories (acute, chronic, and emerging), the mechanisms involved in disease development, pathogen variability, and disease management. The book also discusses the preharvest and postharvest challenges that arise due to these phytopathogens.

This compilation presents an array of chapters authored by specialists in the field that examine the myriad serious vegetable phytopathogens as well as specific methods for increasing treatment and resistance toward these virulent pathogens.

The book explores various fungal, bacterial, viral, phytoplasmal, and nematode diseases in the most widely grown vegetables. The chapters all address a unique combination of pathogens, vegetables, and climate, and each chapter also incorporates figures, tables, and examples to enhance the coverage of the variety of pathogens within the book.

This book will be useful for students, professors, and scientists in the fields of horticulture, plant pathology, and postharvest biology as well as for individuals conducting research in these areas.

Key Features:
  • Provides an overview of phytopathogens that affect vegetables in various environmental conditions
  • Presents a comprehensive guide to identifying and addressing numerous diseases for individuals in the fields of horticulture
  • Discusses how to manage vegetables affected by specific pathogens
  • Offers eco-friendly approaches to prevent postharvest diseases

1. Phytophtora Blight in Potato: A Challenge Ahead in the Climate Change Scenario
Mehi Lal, Saurabh Yadav, V. K. Dua, and Santosh Kumar

2. Pathosystem in Cowpea: An Overview
Santosh Kumar, Erayya, Md. Nadeem Akhtar, Mahesh Kumar, and Mehi Lal

3. A Population Genetics Perspective of Ecology and Management of Phytophthora spp. Affecting Potato, Tomato, and Pointed Gourd in India
Sanjoy Guha Roy

4. Phytoplasma in Vegetable Pathosystem: Ecology, Infection Biology, and Management
Nagendran Krishnan, Shweta Kumari, Koshlendra Kumar Pandey, Awadhesh Bahadur Rai, Bijendra Singh, and Karthikeyan Gandhi

5. Ralstonia solanacearum: Pathogen Biology, Host-Pathogen Interaction, and Management of Tomato Wilt Disease
Bhupendra S. Kharayat and Yogendra Singh

6. Nematodes: Pest of Important Solanaceous Vegetable Crops and Their Management
Ajay Kumar Maru, Tulika Singh, and Poonam Tapre

7. Effect of Fungal Pathogen on Physiological Function of Vegetables
Nishant Prakash, Erraya, Srinivasaraghavan A., and Supriya Gupta

8. Foliar Fungal Pathogens of Cucurbits
Ashok Kumar Meena, Shankar Lal Godara, Prabhu Narayan Meena, and Anand Kumar Meena

9. Yellow Vein Mosaic of Okra: A Challenge in the Indian Subcontinent
Amit Kumar, R. B. Verma, Chandan Roy, and Randhir Kumar

10. Disease Dynamics and Management of Vegetable Pathosystems
Abhijeet Ghatak

11. Mechanism of Microbial Infection in Vegetables Diseases
Vinod Upadhyay and Elangbam Premabati Devi

12. Virus Diseases: An Inimitable Pathosystem of Vegetable Crop
Mohammad Ansar, Aniruddha Kumar Agnihotri, and Srinivasaraghvan A.

13. Begomovirus Diversity and Its Management in Leguminous Vegetables and Other Hosts
Muhammad Naeem Sattar and Zafar Iqbal

14. Biology and Molecular Epidemiology of Begomovirus Infection on Cucurbits
Bhavin S. Bhatt, Fenisha D. Chahwala, Sangeeta Rathore, Bijendra Singh, and Achuit K. Singh

15. Diversity of Potyviruses and Their Extent in Vegetable Pathosystem
Bhavin S. Bhatt, Sangeeta Rathore, Brijesh K. Yadav, Fenisha D. Chahwala, Bijendra Singh, and Achuit K. Singh

16. Soil-Borne Microbes: A Culprit of Nursery

About the Authors / Editors:
Editors: Mohammad Ansar, PhD
Assistant Professor of Plant Pathology, Bihar Agricultural University (BAU), India

Mohammad Ansar, PhD, is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Plant Pathology of Bihar Agricultural University (BAU), India. He established the Plant Virology Laboratory at BAU and acts as a coordinator of virology research. He has gained expertise as vegetable pathologist and has been assisting in the research and helping farmers by providing management advice for various vegetable crops. Dr. Ansar is associated with a program in which he actively performs the research work of the All-India Coordinated Researches on vegetable crops. His major research activities involve diagnosis, characterization, and epidemiology of plant viruses. Recently, he is investigating the viral complexity in papaya and attempting to characterize the associated viral populations. He has earned a project funded by the Department of Science and Technology, Government of India, where his work is to characterize the whitefly- and thrips-transmitted viruses with biological and molecular tools. Dr. Ansar teaches the undergraduate and postgraduate courses and is also actively engaged in BSc and MSc student guiding. He has been the author or co-author of many articles in research journals, book chapters, and conference papers. He has recently published an edited book The Phytopathogen: Evolution and Adaptation. He is also associated with numerous peer-reviewed journals as a member of editorial boards and happily reviews various research articles. He obtained his postgraduate degree in Plant Pathology from CS Azad University of Agriculture and Technology, Kanpur, India, and received his PhD degree in Plant Pathology from GB Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar, India.

Abhijeet Ghatak, PhD
Assistant Professor of Plant Pathology, Bihar Agricultural University (BAU), India

Abhijeet Ghatak, PhD, is an Assistant Professor of Plant Pathology at Bihar Agricultural University (BAU), India, and is the author or co-author of many peer-reviewed journal articles, book chapters, and conference papers. He is the co-editor of the book The Phytopathogen: Evolution and Adaptation, published from the Apple Academic Press. He has been serving as an editorial board member of the international peer-reviewed journal Journal of Post-Harvest Technology and performs as a reviewer for Indian Phytopathology. At BAU, he is working on many projects, including an international collaboration with CIMMYT, Mexico. Dr. Ghatak is engaged in research on nanotechnology and plant health management with implications of phytopathological and epidemiological tools. He is a member of the Core Research Group and Research Monitoring Committee at BAU and has been providing appropriate direction and assistance to sensitize priority and evaluation of research in the university. BAU has recognized Dr. Ghatak as the coordinator of host-parasite interaction research. He supervises students of undergraduate and postgraduate standards and has been involved in class teaching for over seven years. He earned his postgraduate degree in Mycology and Plant Pathology from Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, India, and acquired his doctorate degree in Plant Pathology from GB Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar, India. Dr. Ghatak has gained experience while working at the International Rice Research Institute, Philippines, where he established a relationship between neck blast and leaf blast epidemics in rice.

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