Hospitality & Tourism

Advances in Hospitality and Tourism

The Hospitality and Tourism Industry in China
New Growth, Trends, and Developments

Editor: Jinlin Zhao, PhD

The Hospitality and Tourism Industry in China

Published. Available now.
Pub Date: July 2018
Hardback Price: see ordering info
Hard ISBN: 9781771886529
Paperback ISBN: 978-1-77463-144-7
E-Book ISBN: 9781315147420
Pages: 382pp w/Index
Binding Type: hardbound / ebook / paperback
Series: Advances in Hospitality and Tourism
Notes: 22 color and 30 b/w illustrations

“For anyone interested in China tourism, this book is a ‘must read’ as it provides an updated and excellent exposition of the Chinese hospitality and tourism industry with a focus on development of its various sectors—past, present, and future.”

—Professor John Ap, Institute for Tourism Studies, Macao

Now Available in Paperback

This new volume, The Hospitality and Tourism Industry in China: New Growth, Trends, and Developments, is an insightful look into the great changes in the hospitality and tourism industry in China in recent years. The steady growth of the GDP in China, the increasing middle-income population, life style changes of the Chinese people, and fast infrastructure development (speed trains, airports, highways, and seaports, linking many mega cities, mid-level cities, and townships) have all had a significant effect on the Chinese hospitality industry, which is booming in China.

The volume looks at the value drivers that have impacted hotels, restaurants, meetings and conventions, cruise line industries, tourist attractions, and destination developments. With much more money in their pockets, the Chinese are spending more than 60% of their disposable income on food and travel. International food and hotel chains have responded by increasing their presence in China, and in turn, new domestic restaurant and hotel chains have sprung up to compete for the business.

Hospitality and tourism education is also booming in China, and research in the field is increasing as well. Information technology is also very well applied in the hospitality and tourism industry in China.

With chapters by scholars from various universities in China and the United States, these issues and more are covered in this new volume. Readers will gain a true understanding of the current development of Chinese hospitality and tourism industry.

  • Presents a current picture of Chinese hospitality and tourism industry
  • Shows the effect of the increase of Chinese middle-class spending on the hospitality and tourism industry
  • Presents interesting opportunities for investors in hospitality in China
  • Looks at the individual segments of the hospitality industry in China, including meetings and exhibitions, hotels, restaurants, cruise lines,
  • Explores the evolution and explansion of tourism education in China
  • Studies leisure agriculture and rural tourism in China


1. Budget Hotels in China: Recent Development, Changes, and Challenges
Lianping Ren

2. Co-Creating Value with Chinese Hotel Owners: Based on Governance Mechanism Theory
Bo Qu

3. Development of International Brand Hotels on Hainan Island
Xiangxiang Xie

4. The Expansions of Chinese Companies in the Foreign Hospitality Industry
Kun Yang and Jinlin Zhao

5. Chinese Hotel Mergers and Acquisitions (M&As)
Nan Hua and Huiming Gu

6. New Developments of the Chinese Restaurant Industry
Jinlin Zhao and Mohan Song

7. E-Tourism Evolutionary Effect: Studying E-Tourism in China
Beiqi Shi

8. The Development and Change of the Cruise Industry in China over the Decade (2006–2016)
Xinliang Ye

9. Profile and Trend of the Exhibition Industry in China
Qiuju Luo

10. Tourism Higher Education in China: Profile and Issues
Zhangxin Yin and Fang Meng

11. Leisure Agriculture and Rural Tourism Development in China (2006–2016)
Hong Xu, Xinying Ma, and Conglin Zhao

12. A Review of Studies on China Tourism Destination Competitiveness During the Past Decade
Jingna Wang


About the Authors / Editors:
Editor: Jinlin Zhao, PhD
Professor, Director of Graduate Program, and Director of Asia and Pacific Development, Chaplin School of Hospitality and Tourism Management, Florida International University in Miami, Florida, USA

Jinlin Zhao, PhD, is a Professor, Director of Graduate Program, and Director of Asia and Pacific Development at the Chaplin School of Hospitality and Tourism Management at Florida International University in Miami, Florida, USA. He came to FIU in the fall of 2000 and was tenured in 2005. He started his teaching career in U.S. in fall of 1992 when he became an assistant professor and coordinator of special studies in hospitality management at Western Carolina University (WCU). He took the initiative in building the Hospitality Management degree program. The degree program was approved by the State of North Carolina in 1995. He was granted tenure and promoted an associate professor in 1999 at WCU.

Dr. Zhao is an active researcher. His area of research lies in competitive methods, the international environment and impact analysis, and multinational corporate strategy. He co-edited the book Handbook of Hospitality Strategic Management, London, Elsevier, in 2008. He co-contributed a book chapter to the same book. In 2010, he co-authored a book Tourism Destination Management. Principles and Practice, New Delhi, Kanishka Publishers. He was the author of Instructor’s Manual to Accompany-Strategic Management in the Hospitality Industry, 3rd edition, by Pearson/Prentice Hall Inc. in 2008. He has also published many refereed articles in several research journals and five books/chapters, as well as other publications, and has given more than 70 presentations at international hospitality conferences. Dr. Zhao has guided and mentored graduate students to do research, which resulted in many publications in high-rank academic journals and presentations at international conferences.

Dr. Zhao‘s industry experience includes pro-bono consulting activities in China, giving hotel management seminars and presentations in China, working as a foodservice manager during the 1996 Atlanta and 2004 Athens Olympic Games, and working as Training Manager for the 2008 Beijing Olympic Catering Project, in which he was in charge of recruiting and training 7000 temporary employees. He also worked a human resource expert for 2010 Guangzhou Asian Games. He has worked with Great Miami Convention & Visitors Bureau to conduct research. He has been a visiting professor at several universities, such as Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Macao City University, and Jinan University. In 2015, he was named “Municipal International Scholar” by Shanghai Education Commission and teaching and consulting at Shanghai Institute of Tourism. He was awarded “Fulbright Specialist” by Fulbright Foundation, USA, and was invited to teach at Northern University of Demark in 2016.

Dr. Zhao earned his bachelor’s degree in English at Beijing Second Foreign Language Institute in 1979 and remained to teach at the institute until 1987. After he came to the United States in fall of 1987, he completed his Master degree at Indiana University of Pennsylvania in 1988. He earned his Ph.D. degree in Hospitality and Tourism Management at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University in 1994.

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