Advances in Hospitality and Tourism
Reviews “Comprehensive . . . The work of Croes and Rivera clearly demonstrates that tourism demand is linked to economic growth and that economic growth reduces poverty. . . . The practical implication of Croes’ and Rivera’s work is that governments have an important role to play in nurturing the indirect poverty-tourism reduction channel.” — Research Features Magazine (Read the complete review here: http://cdn.researchfeatures.com/3d_issues/issue128/index.html# pages 28–31). “Robertico Croes and Manuel Rivera are crystal-clear as to what moves this book: a faith and hope that the poor can achieve a better life, and a trust that tourism has the potential to contribute to this feat. . . . This is an engaging read, and a timely publication. It has several merits, and throughout the more than 200 pages, the authors call on many voices, local people’s opinions and views, and numerous concrete examples, denoting a strong familiarity with Latin America. At the same time, the book is well-structured, providing a strong cumulative sense as the chapters unfold, and there is a clear sense of direction and progress in the discussion. Poverty alleviation continues to be a critical issue in many countries, and tourism continues to be one of the fastest-growing industries. Croes and Rivera undeniably contribute to our understanding of the mechanisms which make tourism development valuable for poverty alleviation in a holistic and comprehensive manner.” — Annals of Tourism Research, 2016 “This is one of the most important books ever written about tourism development. . . . A compelling read. . . . The book is an eloquent voice that speaks on behalf of the poor—most of whom are still waiting to experience positive, tourism-related lifestyle change. . . . It is written by expert researchers who live their research and who are passionately concerned about realities on the ground. . . . This ground-breaking book offers a truly innovative contribution to our understanding of the concept of sustainable and inclusive tourism development. It offers a comprehensive understanding of problems faced by the world’s poorest people and discusses ways of enabling them to participate in sustainable tourism development. It introduces innovative methodologies and approaches using interesting illustrations to systematically guide the reader through alternative approaches to responsible tourism development. This book is an engaging and compelling text. ” —Richard Teare, PhD, Co-Founder and President, Global University for Lifelong Learning (GULL) (read the full review here) “Offers a comprehensive and integrated approach on the issue of tourism development in less developed countries and provides empirical evidence that this activity contributes to the fight against poverty. The book is the product of more than 8 years of research, conducted in Latin America, through contact of researchers with poor people, locals who in one way or another have expressed their opinions, their feelings, their way to see the world and how they perceive that tourism has an impact on their lives. All this empirical evidence intersects with studies of other authors who have also addressed this subject and with the theoretical material presented in multiple studies on tourism. . . There is much important information in the book, but are three elements that I consider essential: the first is the approach to the phenomenon of poverty and its measured from econometric techniques, grounded in empirical data repercussions. The second, the voice of the poor referring to their emotions, aspirations and disappointments related to the development of tourism as a productive activity in each of its regions and finally, the proposal authors for poverty reduction, which is it is certainly quite unique and worth analyzing in more detail.” — Bartels Jorge Villanueva, in Diaglogos: Revista Electronic de Historia, 2016 read the full review here: http://revistas.ucr.ac.cr/index.php/dialogos/article/view/24575/24776 “A compelling read for all those interested in the alleviation of poverty through tourism development. The extensive experience of the two authors contributes to a very deep and authoritative text with their encounters in the field, providing genuine insight and stimulation. Many of the problems of poverty are deeply entrenched in the countries featured in this text. The ideas and arguments expressed throughout offer hope though with the book hopefully serving as a catalyst for change in the manner by which we see, and deal with poverty.” —Dr. Alan Fyall, Rosen College of Hospitality Management, University of Central Florida Now Available in Paperback The book offers a comprehensive and integrated approach to the topic of tourism development and its contribution to the fight against poverty. Tourism development is credited to be a powerful source of regional development and improvement in developing countries, and the focus of the book is on the world’s poorest areas and how tourism connects to the poor and unlocks opportunities to escape the poverty trap. This book takes an all-embracing and unique approach that combines a decade of empirical research on the effects of tourism development on poverty reduction in Latin America. The book identifies, explores, confirms, and advances the theoretical concepts of poverty and its impact on development at the macro and micro levels. The book then goes on to prove relevancy of tourism development theory by working in a real world environment and by quantifying its effects on growth, inequality, and poverty reduction. More specifically the book presents how these dynamic relationships affect the most vulnerable groups of society. The research also documents how the poor perceive tourism development on their lives and if they see it as an important vehicle to help them escape from poverty. Lastly, the authors map the conditions under which tourism can reach the poor and how tourism can offer opportunities for impoverished areas and their residents. Combining tourism dynamics, development economics, poverty reduction, business practices, and a sustainable perspective, the book takes a broad look at this important issue. The book will be informative and valuable to a higher educational audience, including academia and researchers, as well as practitioners, policymakers, international organizations, and graduate students. CONTENTS: About the Authors / Editors: Robertico Croes, PhD Chair, Department of Tourism, Events & Attractions; Professor, Rosen College of Hospitality Management, University of Central Florida, Orlando, Florida Dr. Robertico Croes currently serves as the Chair of the Tourism, Events & Attractions department as well as the Associate Director of the Dick Pope Sr. Institute for Tourism Studies at the Rosen College at the University of Central Florida in Orlando, Florida. Dr. Croes has published two recent books, titled The Small Island Paradox: Tourism Specialization as a Potential Solution and Anatomy of Demand in International Tourism. Both books investigate tourism dynamics and the opportunities spawned by tourism specialization in small island destinations. Additionally, he is a contributor to several books. Dr. Croes has lectured and made presentations throughout the world, including Armenia, the Netherlands, Venezuela, Colombia, Brazil, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Aruba, Curacao, the Bahamas, Jamaica, Malta, Ecuador, Barbados, Puerto Rico, and Mexico. His research has also been presented in predominant industry and research conferences around the world including South Africa, South Korea, Malaysia, Cyprus, Spain, Germany, Hong Kong, Ireland, Turkey, Taiwan, and Trinidad and Tobago. He has published articles in such journals as the Annals of Tourism Research, Journal of Travel Research, Tourism Economics, International Journal of Tourism Research, Tourism Management and International Journal of Hospitality Management. He has served on the editorial board of several journals and is the recipient of several awards. His fields of interest include econometrics applications in hospitality, tourism demand analysis/forecasting, tourism economic impact, competitive and sustainable tourism in tourism development analysis, tourism development applied to poverty alleviation, and tourism development in small islands and developing countries. Manuel Rivera, PhD Assistant Professor, Rosen College of Hospitality Management, University of Central Florida, Orlando, Florida Manuel Rivera, PhD, is an Assistant Professor at the Rosen College of Hospitality Management at the University of Central Florida in Orlando, Florida. Dr. Rivera also serves as the Managing Editor for a tier one research journal which is the International Journal of Hospitality Management. His empirical contributions include reference to important social issues such as poverty reduction through tourism, income inequality, income distribution, economic entrepreneurship opportunities for street vendors, and improving the quality of life for locals residing in tourism destinations in developing countries. He is fluent in the application of econometric techniques such as the input-output model, VAR models, cointegration analyses, and error correction models. Dr. Rivera has published in internationally renowned academic journals and possesses an international research portfolio as he has presented in numerous international research conferences and has been involved in major tourism development projects for numerous countries (e.g. USA, Aruba, Curacao, Ecuador, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Mexico). He has collaborated with tourism organizations such as the Puerto Rico Convention Bureau, the Puerto Rico Hotel Association, the Cámara de Turismo de Nicaragua, the Consejo Provincial del Guayas in Ecuador, the Curaçao Tourism Bureau, the Aruba Tourism Authority, Coca-Cola’s Latin Center Business Unit, and the Kissimmee CVB, among others, in order to assist in determining how to maximize tourism’s benefits for host destinations. He has instructed many different courses in subject areas pertinent to hospitality and tourism management, restaurant management, and event management. Dr. Rivera also has experience working with music festivals in the Caribbean, more specifically the Curacao North Sea Jazz Festival, the Aruba Soul Beach Music Festival, and the Aruba Electric Festival. He has 20 years’ experience working in the tourism and hospitality industry and has worked with leading national restaurant brands in the United States. He earned his educational degrees from Penn State University, Florida International University, and the University of Central Florida. He also has four professional certificates from Cornell University. |
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