Water Management

Innovations and Challenges in Micro Irrigation

Micro Irrigation Management
Technological Advances and Their Applications

Editor: Megh R. Goyal, PhD, PE

Micro Irrigation Management

Pub Date: October 2016
Hardback Price: see ordering info
Hard ISBN: 9781771883900
Paperback ISBN: 978-1-77463-707-4
E-Book ISBN: 9781771883917
Pages: 434 pages with index
Binding Type: hardbound / ebook / paperback
Series: Innovations and Challenges in Micro Irrigation
Volume: 5
Notes: 87 b/w illustrations

Now Available in Paperback

Micro Irrigation Management: Technological Advances and Their Applications, the fifth book in the Innovations and Challenges in Micro Irrigation book series, is a valuable reference volume on micro irrigation and water management for professional training institutes, technical agricultural centers, irrigation centers, agricultural extension service, and other agencies who work with micro irrigation programs.

With an international focus, this new book focuses on applications of solar energy in micro irrigation and other important technological advances. It includes case studies and illustrative examples on drip irrigation design. Divided into several sections, the book covers estimations of evapotranspiration, estimations of soil properties, management of micro irrigation systems, and field evaluation of micro irrigation systems. Specific topics include:
  • evapotranspiration estimations using the Penman-Monteith method
  • evapotranspiration of woody landscape plants
  • evaporation and seepage losses from dug-out-type farm ponds
  • dielectric mixing models for estimating soil moisture content for translating meteorological patterns into infra-red signaling for variable dispensation in crop irrigation systems
  • maximizing profits by using different planting geometry under micro irrigation
  • design of lateral lines
  • potential problems in drip irrigation systems
This valuable reference compendium provides important information to help engineers and others explore new advances in micro irrigation design to solve the water scarcity problems in water management and will advance the understanding of principles of solar energy and photovoltaic solar pump.

Part I: Estimations of Evapotranspiration
1. Reference Evapotranspiration Estimations Using the Penman-Monteith Method: Puerto Rico
Eric W. Harmsen and Salvio Torres Justiniano
2. Reference Evapotranspiration: Trends and Identification of Its Meteorological Variables in Arid Climate
Subu Monia and Deepak Jhajharia
3. Evapotranspiration of Woody Landscape Plants
Richard C. Beeson
4. Evaporation and Seepage Losses from Dug-Out Type Farm Ponds
Yogesh Mahalle

Part II: Estimations of Soil Properties
5. Several Dielectric Mixing Models for Estimating Soil Moisture Content
Eric W. Harmsen, Hamed Parsiani, and Maritza Torres
6. Inverse Procedure for Estimating Vertically Distributed Soil Hydraulic Parameters Using GPR
Eric W. Harmsen and Hamed Parsiani

Part III: Management of Micro Irrigation Systems
7. The Approach for Translating Meteorological Patterns into Infra-Red Signaling for Variable Dispensation in Crop Irrigation Systems
Kevin Rodríguez
8. Solar Photovoltaic Powered Micro Irrigation System in Aerobic Rice Cultivation
M. K. Ghosal
9. Management of Irrigation System: Performance of Egyptian Wheat
Hani A. Mansour, Abdelgawad Saad, Ayman A. A. Ibrahim, and Mohamed E. El-Hagarey
10. Maximizing profits by using different planting geometry under micro irrigation
Ajai Singh
11. Design of Lateral Lines
Victor A. Gillespie, Allan L. Phillips, and I. Pai Wu

Part IV: Field Evaluation of Micro Irrigation Systems
12. Potential Problems in Drip Irrigation Systems
Ashok Mhaske, R. N. Katkar, and R. B. Biniwale
13. Emitters: Pressure and Discharge Relationship
Rajesh Gajbhiye, Dnyaneshwar Tathod, and Yogesh Mahatale

About the Authors / Editors:
Editor: Megh R. Goyal, PhD, PE
Retired Professor in Agricultural and Biomedical Engineering, University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez Campus Senior Acquisitions Editor, Biomedical Engineering and Agricultural Science, Apple Academic Press, Inc. email: goyalmegh@gmail.com

Megh R. Goyal, PhD, PE, is a Retired Professor in Agricultural and Biomedical Engineering from the General Engineering Department in the College of Engineering at University of Puerto Rico–Mayaguez Campus; and Senior Acquisitions Editor and Senior Technical Editor-in-Chief in Agriculture and Biomedical Engineering for Apple Academic Press Inc. He has worked as a Soil Conservation Inspector and as a Research Assistant at Haryana Agricultural University and Ohio State University. He was first agricultural engineer to receive the professional license in Agricultural Engineering in 1986 from College of Engineers and Surveyors of Puerto Rico. On September 16, 2005, he was proclaimed as “Father of Irrigation Engineering in Puerto Rico for the twentieth century” by the ASABE, Puerto Rico Section, for his pioneer work on micro irrigation, evapotranspiration, agroclimatology, and soil and water engineering. During his professional career of 45 years, he has received many prestigious awards. A prolific author and editor, he has written more than 200 journal articles and textbooks and has edited over 25 books. He received his BSc degree in engineering from Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, India; his MSc and PhD degrees from Ohio State University, Columbus; and his Master of Divinity degree from Puerto Rico Evangelical Seminary, Hato Rey, Puerto Rico, USA.

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