Water Management

Innovations and Challenges in Micro Irrigation

Management Strategies for Water Use Efficiency and Micro Irrigated Crops
Principles, Practices, and Performance

Editors: Megh R. Goyal, PhD
B. J. Pandian, PhD

Management Strategies for Water Use Efficiency and Micro Irrigated Crops

Published. Available now.
Pub Date: February 2019
Hardback Price: See Ordering Info
Hard ISBN: 9781771887915
Paperback ISBN: 978-1-77463-467-7
E-Book ISBN: 9780429060601
Pages: 370pp w/index
Binding Type: hardbound / ebook / paperback
Series: Innovations and Challenges in Micro Irrigation
Volume: 9
Notes: 31 color and 27 b/w illustrations

Now Available in Paperback

Management Strategies for Water Use Efficiency and Micro Irrigated Crops presents new research and technologies for making better use of water resources for agricultural purposes. The chapters focus on better management to improve allocation and irrigation water efficiency and look at performance factors as well. Chapters look at irrigation technology, environmental conditions, and scheduling of water application.

Specific topics include:
  • Wireless automation of drip irrigation systems

  • Fertilizer recommendations

  • Estimation of resources

  • Performance of drip-irrigated crops under various micro irrigation systems

  • One section of the book focuses on water management in the cultivation of sugarcane, a very important industrial crop used in many fields. Other sections are devoted to principles and challenging technologies, water use efficiency for drip-irrigated crops, performance of fertigated rice under micro irrigation, and evaluation of performance of drip-irrigated crops.

    This valuable book, published in conjunction with Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, is a must for those struggling to find ways to address the need to maintain efficient crop production in the midst of water shortages. With chapters from hands-on experts in the field, the book will be an invaluable reference and guide to effective micro irrigation methods.


    1. Wireless Automation of Drip Irrigation System Using Cloud Computing
    M. Deiveegan, R. Jeyajothi, S. Pazhanivelan, and S. Ravichandran

    2. Fertilizer Recommendations for Drip-Irrigated Cotton under Inductive Cum Targeted Yield Model
    Praveena K. Stephen, Santhi Rangasamy, and Pradip Dey

    3. Supplementary Irrigation Using Rain-Gun Sprinklers for Increasing Productivity in Drylands
    S. Somasundaram

    4. Impact of Irrigation Methods on Soil, Water, and Nutrient Use Efficiency of Integrated Cropping: Livestock Production Systems
    V. S. Mynavathi, R. Murugeswari, V. Ramesh Saravana Kumar, H. Gopi, C. Valli, and M. Babu

    5. Estimation of Resource Use Pattern of Crops Cultivated Across Different Farm Sizes
    A. Revathy and D. David Rajasekar

    6. Water Use Efficiency of Fodder (Desmanthus virgatus) under Check Basin, Furrow, and Rain-Gun Irrigation Methods
    V. S. Mynavathi, M. Murugan, and H. Gopi

    7. Water Productivity of Micro Irrigated Cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz)
    Sunitha Sarojini Amma and James George

    8. Water Use Efficiency of Pearl Millet and Napier Hybrid Grass under Irrigation Regimes and Nitrogen Fertigation
    S. Alagudurai

    9. Status of Drip Irrigation Research in Rice: A Review
    R. Nageswari, R. Chandrasekaran, and T. Saranraj

    10. Performance of Fertigated Aerobic Rice under Drip Irrigation
    S. K. Natarajan, V. K. Duraisamy, and K. S. Usharani

    11. Performance of Intercrops under a Sustainable Sugarcane Initiative
    R. Chandrasekaran, T. Saranraj, R. Nageswari, C. Chinnusamy, and P. Devasenapathy

    12. Water-Soluble Fertilizers for Sustainable Sugarcane Initiative under a Subsurface Drip Fertigation System
    Anbarasu Mariyappillai, Gurusamy Arumugam, and Indirani Ramesh

    13. Performance, Water Productivity, and Economics of Sugarcane Production in Different Agro-Climatic Zones of Tamil Nadu
    B. J. Pandian, Kandasamy Vaiyapuri, Selvaraj Selvakumar, and R. Chandrasekaran

    14. Economic Returns of Sustainable Sugarcane Initiative Technology in Sugarcane Cultivation
    V. Saravanakumar, K. Arthi, R. Balasubramanian, and K. Divya

    15. Performance of Castor + Onion Intercropping System under Drip Fertigation
    K. R. Pushpanathan

    16. Automated and Non-Automated Fertigation Systems for Cucumber inside a Poly House
    Anjaly C. Sunny and V. M. Abdul Hakkim

    17. Performance of Drip-Irrigated Cauliflower using a Poly Lactic Acid Roll Planter
    K. Vaiyapuri, B. J. Pandian, and Selvaraj Selvakumar

    18. Performance of Drip-Fertigated Banana under Polyethylene Mulching
    K. B. Sujatha, J. Auxcilia, K. Soorianathasundaram, P. Muthulakshmi, Prakash Patil, and R. M. Vijayakumar

    19. Performance of Turmeric (Curcuma longa L.) under Drip Fertigation
    K. S. Sangeetha and J. Suresh

    20. Performance of Drip-Fertigated Tuberose (Polianthes tuberosa L.) under PE Mulching
    J. Kabariel, M. Kannan, and M. Jawaharlal


    About the Authors / Editors:
    Editors: Megh R. Goyal, PhD
    Retired Professor in Agricultural and Biomedical Engineering, University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez Campus; Senior Acquisitions Editor, Biomedical Engineering and Agricultural Science, Apple Academic Press, Inc.

    Megh R. Goyal, PhD, PE, is now a Retired Professor in Agricultural and Biomedical Engineering from the General Engineering Department at the College of Engineering at University of Puerto Rico–Mayaguez Campus (UPRM), and Senior Technical Editor-in-Chief for Agricultural and Biomedical Engineering for Apple Academic Press Inc. During his professional career of 49 years, he has worked as Soil Conservation Inspector; Research Assistant at Haryana Agricultural University and the Ohio State University; Research Agricultural Engineer/Professor at the Department of Agricultural Engineering of UPRM; and Professor in Agricultural and Biomedical Engineering in the General Engineering Department of UPRM. He spent a one-year sabbatical leave at the Biomedical Engineering Department of Florida International University, Miami, Florida. Dr. Goyal was proclaimed the “Father of Irrigation Engineering in Puerto Rico for the 20th Century” and has many awards, including Scientist of the Year, Blue Ribbon Extension Award, Research Paper Awards, Nolan Mitchell Young Extension Worker Award, Agricultural Engineer of the Year, Citations Man of Drip Irrigation by the Mayors of Municipalities of Mayaguez/Caguas/Ponce/Juana Diaz and Senate/Secretary of Agriculture of ELA, Membership Grand Prize for the Association of Agricultural Engineering Campaign, Felix Castro Rodriguez Academic Excellence, and several others. In his professional career of 47 years, he has been recognized as one of the experts “who rendered meritorious service for the development of [the] irrigation sector in India” by the Water Technology Centre of Tamil Nadu Agricultural University in Coimbatore, India; and in 2018, the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers bestowed on him the Netafim Microirrigation Award in Detroit, Michigan. Dr. Goyal has authored more than 200 journal articles and edited over 60 reference and textbooks, including Elements of Agroclimatology (Spanish) by UNISARC, Colombia; and two Bibliographies on Drip Irrigation. Apple Academic Press Inc. has published many of his books, including Management of Drip/Trickle or Micro Irrigation and Evapotranspiration: Principles and Applications for Water Management. During 2014-16, AAP published his ten-volume book series on Research Advances in Sustainable Micro Irrigation. AAP is currently publishing book volumes on emerging technologies, issues, and challenges under two book series Innovations and Challenges in Sustainable Micro Irrigation and Innovations in Agricultural & Biological Engineering. Dr. Goyal received his BSc degree in Engineering in 1971 from Punjab Agricultural University, India; his MSc degree in 1977 and PhD degree in 1979 from the Ohio State University; and his Master of Divinity degree in 2001 from the Puerto Rico Evangelical Seminary.

    B. J. Pandian, PhD
    Director, Water Technology Centre, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University in Coimbatore, India

    B. J. Pandian, PhD, is presently working as Director of the Water Technology Centre, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University in Coimbatore, India. He has served the University for 34 years, with 16 years as a Professor in teaching, research, extension, and administrative aspects. He has taught undergraduate and postgraduate agronomy courses and brought out course books and manuals. Dr. Pandian was instrumental in developing and promoting the System of Rice Intensification (SRI) and the Sustainable Sugarcane Initiative (SSI) in Tamil Nadu, India. He has also worked on the promotion of drip fertigation in horticulture and agriculture crops, especially in rice crops. He handled many projects for the Indian Council of Agricultural Research, private agencies, and the World Bank. He successfully implemented the Tamil Nadu Irrigated Agricultural Modernization and Water Bodies Restoration and Management Project (TN-IAMWARM), funded by the World Bank for the last seven years, which made a remarkable impact on improving water-saving technologies in Tamil Nadu. He has participated in many national and international seminars and has organized several himself, such as two international conferences on “Drip fertigation in rice” and “Exploring the emergence and spread of the SRI in India” and several national conferencese, such as the “National Groundwater Conference on Problems, Challenges and Management of Groundwater in Agriculture,” “Sustainable Sugarcane Initiative (SSI),” and “Wasteland Development.” He was awarded for his outstanding extension work by the Government of Tamil Nadu in 1983. Dr. Pandian has published 15 international and 95 national research papers, 32 technical books and 13 course books and more than 100 popular articles. He is a member of many agriculture and water resources organizations. He graduated from Tamil Nadu Agricultural University in Coimbatore, India, and completed his master and doctoral degrees in the field of agriculture with specialization in agronomy.

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