Hospitality & Tourism

Advances in Hospitality and Tourism

Management Science in Hospitality and Tourism
Theory, Practice and Applications

Editors: Muzaffer Uysal, PhD
Zvi Schwartz, PhD
Ercan Sirakaya-Turk, PhD

Management Science in Hospitality and Tourism

Published. Available now.
Pub Date: July 2016
Hardback Price: see ordering info
Hard ISBN: 9781926895710
Paperback ISBN: 978-1-77463-297-0
E-Book ISBN: 9781482223477
Pages: 426pp w/Index
Binding Type: hardbound / ebook / paperback
Series: Advances in Hospitality and Tourism

“Timely and valuable . . . Focusing on management science applications in hospitality and tourism systems, the book provides a blend of analysis that draws from both theory and evidence-based perspectives. [It] contributes to the advancement of understanding of the importance on data analysis, interpretation, and information generation for improved management decision-making in hospitality and tourism. . . The compilation of topics discussed represent important contributions from several well-established and high-profile scholars that offer interesting insights into management science. . . . The book’s strength lies in the fact that it draws not only from the contributors’ expertise on the applications of management science in the hospitality and tourism field but also from their diverse geographic backgrounds . . . A valuable contribution to students and researchers of hospitality and tourism as well as practitioners of the field who wish to advance their knowledge of management science applications and their associated implications within the hospitality and tourism setting.”
Tourism Analysis, review by Anna Farmaki, Cyprus University of Technology Limassol, Cyprus

Now Available in Paperback

Management Science in Hospitality and Tourism is a timely and unique book focusing on management science applications in tourism and hospitality settings. The academic scope of management science in today’s world is rather interdisciplinary and not always necessarily quantitative. The books includes such topics as:
  • Quantitative approach to tourism systems
  • Monitoring and forecasting tourist activities
  • Measuring forecasting accuracy in hospitality
  • Big data analytics and information system
  • Best-worst scaling method
  • Partial least squares structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM)
  • Demand analysis in tourism
  • Frontier approaches to performance measurement in hospitality and tourism
  • Evidence-based analytics for productivity measurement
  • Capacity management using time series
  • Gravity model
  • Shift-share analysis
  • Destination attractiveness and performance measures
  • Overbooking research in hospitality
  • Tourist satisfaction, an index approach
  • General performance measures in hospitality
The book offers a selection of topics that represent the issues of the field of tourism and hospitality in today’s world. The book is the only comprehensive text on management science in hospitality and tourism. It will help managers and hospitality and tourism students as future managers to develop an in-depth understanding of the importance of data analysis, interpretation, and generating information and intelligence for decision making. It also covers a broad range of applications representing different geographic regions across the globe.

1. Management Science Applications in Tourism and Hospitality
Muzaffer Uysal, Zvi Schwartz, and Ercan Sirakaya-Turk
2. Complex Tourism Systems: A Quantitative Approach
Rodolfo Baggio and Giacomo Del Chiappa
3. Monitoring and Forecasting Tourist Activities with Big Data
Bing Pan and Yang Yang
4. Micro Marketing and Big Data Analytics: An Information System for Destination Marketing Management
Daniel R. Fesenmaier, Neeraj Bharadwaj, Jason Stienmetz, and Zheng Xiang
5. Best-Worst Scaling Method: Application to Hospitality and Tourism Research
Eli Cohen and Larry Lockshin
6. Using Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM) in Tourism Research
Rob Hallak and Guy Assaker
7. Quantity and Quality Issues in Demand for Tourism
Aliza Fleischer
8. Time Series Models for Capacity Management in the Hospitality Industry
Tianshu Zheng
9. An Extended Gravity Model: Applying Destination Competitiveness
Jeong-Yeol Park and SooCheong (Shawn) Jang
10. Efficacy of Static Shift Share Analysis in Measuring Tourism Industry’s Performance in South Carolina
Tarik Do?ru and Ercan Sirakaya-Turk
11. Destination Attractiveness Based on Supply and Demand Evaluations
Sandro Formica and Muzaffer Uysal
12. Overbooking Research in the Lodging Industry: From Origins in Airlines to What Lies Ahead
Matthew Krawczyk, Timothy Webb, Zvi Schwartz, and Muzaffer Uysal
13. Evaluating Forecasting Performance: Accuracy Measures and Their Application in Hospitality
Larissa Koupriouchina, Jean-Pierre van der Rest, Zvi Schwartz, and Dirk Sierag
14. Frontier Approaches for Performance Measurement in the Hospitality and Tourism Industries
Albert Assaf and Frank Wogbe Agbola
15. Managing Tourist Satisfaction: An Index Approach
Jason Li Chen, Gang Li, and Haiyan Song
16. Toward Increased Accuracy in Productivity Measurement: Evidence-Based Analytics
Cherylynn Becker
17. Performance Measures and Use in Hospitality
Ersem Karadag

About the Authors / Editors:
Editors: Muzaffer Uysal, PhD
Professor, Department of Hospitality and Tourism Management, Pamplin College of Business, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, Virginia, USA

Muzaffer Uysal, PhD, is a professor of tourism and hospitality management at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University (Virginia Tech), Pamplin College of Business in the Department of Hospitality and Tourism Management. He has extensive experience in the travel and tourism field, has worked on several funded tourism management and marketing projects, and has conducted tourism workshops and seminars in more than 30 countries. He is a member of the International Academy for the Study of Tourism and the Academy of Leisure Sciences, and serves as co-editor of Tourism Analysis: An Interdisciplinary Journal. He has also authored and co-authored a significant number of articles, five monographs, and eight books related to tourism research methods, tourist service satisfaction, tourism and quality-of-life, creating experience value in tourism, and scales in tourism and hospitality settings. Dr. Uysal has also received a number of awards for Research, Excellence in International Education, Teaching Excellence, and best paper awards. His current research interests center on tourism demand/supply interaction, tourism development and QOL research in tourism.

Zvi Schwartz, PhD
Professor, Hotel Restaurant & Institutional Management, Alfred Lerner College of Business & Economics, University of Delaware, Newark, USA

Zvi Schwartz, PhD, is a Professor in the Department of Hotel, Restaurant and Institutional Management in the Alfred Lerner College of Business and Economics at the University of Delaware. Prior to joining the University of Delaware, Dr. Schwartz was the J. Willard and Alice S. Marriott Senior Faculty Fellow for Hospitality Finance and Revenue Management in the department of Hospitality and Tourism Management at Virginia Tech, where he served as the director of graduate programs, and was also previously an associate professor at the University of Illinois. Prior to joining academia, he had over a decade of lodging industry experience as a manager and an entrepreneur. His scholarly research and industry consulting focus on the core technical and strategic elements of the revenue management cycle: forecasting, optimization and monitoring, as well as strategic pricing, and consumer and firm decisions in advanced reservation environments.

Ercan Sirakaya-Turk, PhD
Professor, Hotel Restaurant & Institutional Management, Alfred Lerner College of Business & Economics, University of Delaware, Newark, USA

Ercan Sirakaya-Turk, PhD, is a full professor and the Associate Dean for Research, Grants, Graduate and International Programs in the College of Hospitality, Retail and Sports Management at the University of South Carolina (USC). He received his PhD from Clemson University, South Carolina, USA. Before joining USC, he worked as an associate professor at Texas A&M University and as an assistant professor at the Pennsylvania State University. He research interests and published work center around tourism destination marketing, sustainability, and developmental policy. Dr. Sirakaya-Turk is the founding Editor of e-Review of Tourism Research, and he is the current Co-Editor-in-Chief of Tourism Analysis. He teaches tourism and advanced research methods classes and conducts grant writing and statistics workshops for faculty and doctoral students.

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