Hospitality & Tourism

Advances in Hospitality and Tourism

Hospitality Marketing and Consumer Behavior
Creating Memorable Experiences

Editor: Vinnie Jauhari, PhD

Hospitality Marketing and Consumer Behavior

Published. Available now.
Pub Date: June 2017
Hardback Price: see ordering info
Hard ISBN: 9781771883788
Paperback ISBN: 978-1-77463-624-4
E-Book ISBN: 9781315366227
Pages: 378 pp w/ index
Binding Type: hardbound / ebook / paperback
Series: Advances in Hospitality and Tourism
Notes: 5 b/w illustrations and 10 color pages

Now Available in Paperback

Creating memories and joyous experiences for consumers is a key dimension affecting the profitability and growth of a hospitality firm. Drawing on global experiences, this new book, Hospitality Marketing and Consumer Behavior: Creating Memorable Experiences, looks at the diverse factors that create these positive experiences and provides insight into marketing and consumer behavior in the context of hospitality and tourism. The dynamics of emerging economies has been captured, and some lessons have been drawn from best practices across the globe.

Creating positive customer experiences is an outcome of an interplay of a number of factors. The book covers marketing research, different elements of the marketing mix, consumer feedback and recovery, technology, people aspects, and how they impact consumer experience. The book offers insights from emerging economies as well as some distinct insights from global practices, including lessons from the the world’s top ten hotels.

Topics include:
  • the use of new technology to engage with customers
  • the huge impact of social media on the hospitality industry, such as online customer reviews
  • analyses of customers’ experiences and behavior in a variety of sectors, including retail stores, restaurants, hotels, the aviation industry
  • factors that influence customers’ behavior
  • sustainable practices in hospitality and customer impact
  • consumer loyalty as a concept in changing times
  • how the marketing mix affects and is affected by customer expectation and satisfaction
Hospitality Marketing and Consumer Behavior: Creating Memorable Experiences offers valuable insight into the changing face of customers’ behavior and expectations for professors and instructors, students pursuing MBAs in hospitality or marketing, research scholars, and industry professionals.

1. Consumer Experiences: An Introduction
Vinnie Jauhari

2. Creating Memorable Consumer Experiences: Insights from the Hospitality and Tourism Industry
Navdeep Kaur Kular
3. Creating Memorable Experiences: Lessons from the World’s Top 10 Hotels
Halimin Herjanto and Sanjaya S. Gaur

4. Dimensional Analysis of Customer Experience in the Civil Aviation Sector
Vinay Chauhan and Deepak Manhas
5. Dimensions of Retail Service Convenience in Emerging Market Settings: A Qualitative Investigation
Shaphali Gupta and Dinesh Sharma
6. Assessing Quality of Food, Service, and Customer Experience at a Restaurant: The Case of a Student-Run Restaurant in the USA
Bharath M. Josiam, Rosa Malave, Charles Foster, and Watson Baldwin

7. An Exploratory Study of Competencies Required to Co-Create Memorable Customer Experiences in the Hospitality Industry
Sonia Bharwani and Vinnie Jauhari

8. Exploration of Service Quality Factors in Restaurant Industry: A Study of Selected Restaurants in the New Delhi Region
Gaurav Tripathi and Kartik Dave

9. Consumer Behavior in Restaurants: Assessing the Importance of Restaurant Attributes in Consumer Patronage and Willingness to Pay
H. G. Parsa, Kirti Dutta, and David Njite
10. Driving Value Through Pricing: Strategies Adopted by Managers in Price-Sensitive and Fiercely Competitive Markets
Anjana Singh and Kamal Manaktola

11. Managing Technologies for Consumer Engagement
Parul Wasan

12. Social Media and Engaging with Consumers in the Hospitality Sector
Navdeep Kaur Kular
13. Heritage Hotels in India: Offering Unique Experiences to Customers with Sustainable Practices as a Differentiator
Sandeep Munjal and Parul G Munjal

About the Authors / Editors:
Editor: Vinnie Jauhari, PhD
Director, Education Advocacy, Microsoft Corporation India Ltd.

Vinnie Jauhari, PhD, is Director of Education Advocacy at Microsoft Corporation India Ltd., where she is responsible for evangelizing education initiatives at Microsoft. She leads and manages strategic engagements in higher education and K-12 and also works on policy issues related with education. She works on programs leading to capacity development for teachers through initiatives in pedagogical innovation. These are both in public and private sector domain. She has initiated programs that involve confluence of content, technology, and pedagogy. Some of these workshops are in the domain of vision and leadership and creative curriculum development.

Previously Dr. Jauhari was Director and Professor of Strategy at IIMT (now Vedatya Institute), Gurgaon, India. She has developed strategic linkages for the institute with some leading international universities as well as partnered with industry to create employability for students and was responsible for academic leadership and research strategy. In her role at IIMT, she initiated and managed several international conferences and fostered strong linkages with schools and other higher education institutions.

Vinnie was earlier Region Lead for HP Labs Open Innovation Office for India. She has received numerous awards for her work at HP Labs as well as her academic achievements. She won the Director’s Award for Innovation in the worldwide team in 2008–2009. She is also a recipient of the HP Empower grant for women during her tenure at HP Labs. She has over 19 years of experience across industry and academic assignments.

Dr. Jauhari has authored twelve books on services, innovation, and technology management. Having authored over 100 papers in international and national journals of repute, she is the Founding Editor of Journal of Services Research and the Journal of Technology Management for Growing Economies. She has been a guest editor of numerous international journals, and some of her papers have won awards and global recognition. Her areas of interest span across strategy, technology, entrepreneurship, and sustainability across service sectors.

Vinnie received her PhD in the domain of corporate entrepreneurship from IIT Delhi. She received a Postdoctoral Fellowship at United Nations University, Tokyo, in the area of sustainable technologies.

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