Postharvest Biology and Technology

About the Series

Books in the Series:

Seeking Book Proposals

As we know, preserving the quality of fresh produce has long been a challenging task. In the past, several approaches were in use for the postharvest management of fresh produce, but due to continuous advancement in technology, the increased health consciousness of consumers, and environmental concerns, these approaches have been modified and enhanced to address these issues and concerns.

The Postharvest Biology and Technology series features edited books that address several aspects related to postharvest technology of fresh produce. The series presents existing and novel management systems that are in use today or that have great potential to maintain the postharvest quality of fresh produce in terms of microbiological safety, nutrition, and sensory quality.

The books are aimed at professionals, postharvest scientists, academicians researching postharvest problems, and graduate-level students. This series is intended to be a comprehensive venture that provides up-to-date scientific and technical information focusing on postharvest management for fresh produce.

Books in the series address the following themes:

  • Nutritional composition and antioxidant properties of fresh produce
  • Postharvest physiology and biochemistry
  • Biotic and abiotic factors affecting maturity and quality
  • Preharvest treatments affecting postharvest quality
  • Maturity and harvesting issues
  • Nondestructive quality assessment
  • Physiological and biochemical changes during ripening
  • Postharvest treatments and their effects on shelf life and quality
  • Postharvest operations such as sorting, grading, ripening, de-greening, curing etc
  • Storage and shelf-life studies
  • Packaging, transportation, and marketing
  • Vase life improvement of flowers and foliage
  • Postharvest management of spice, medicinal, and plantation crops
  • Fruit and vegetable processing waste/byproducts: management and utilization
  • Postharvest diseases and physiological disorders
  • Minimal processing of fruits and vegetables
  • Quarantine and phytosanitory treatments for fresh produce
  • Conventional and modern breeding approaches to improve the postharvest quality
  • Biotechnological approaches to improve postharvest quality of horticultural crops
We are seeking editors to edit volumes in different postharvest areas for the series. Interested editors may also propose other relevant subjects within their field of expertise, which may not be mentioned in the list above. We can only publish a limited number of volumes each year, so if you are interested, please email your proposal at your earliest convenience.

We look forward to hearing from you soon.

Mohammed Wasim Siddiqui, Ph.D.
Scientist-cum-Assistant Professor | Bihar Agricultural University
Department of Food Science and Technology | Sabour | Bhagalpur | Bihar | INDIA
AAP Acquisitions Editor | Horticultural Science
Founding/Managing Editor | Journal of Postharvest Technology


Postharvest Physiological Disorders of Fresh Produce
Editors: Ghulam Khaliq and Sajid Ali

Bioengineered Fruit and Vegetables: Trends in Postharvest Quality Improvement
Editors: Mohammad Irfan and Pankaj Kumar

Novel Packaging Systems for Fruits and Vegetables
Editors: Kirtiraj K. Gaikwad and Suman Singh

Emerging Postharvest Disinfection Technologies for Fruits and Vegetables
Editors: Aamir Hussian Dar and Shafat Ahmad Khan

Postharvest Biology and Technology of Horticultural Crops
Postharvest Biology and Technology of Horticultural Crops
Editor: Mohammed Wasim Siddiqui, PhD
Postharvest Management of Horticultural Crops
Postharvest Management of Horticultural Crops
Editors: Mohammed Wasim Siddiqui, PhD, and Asgar Ali, PhD
Insect Pests of Stored Grain
Insect Pests of Stored Grain
Ranjeet Kumar, PhD
Innovative Packaging of Fruits and Vegetables
Innovative Packaging of Fruits and Vegetables
Editors: Mohammed Wasim Siddiqui, PhD, Mohammad Shafiur Rahman, PhD, and Ali Abas Wani, PhD
Advances in Postharvest Technologies of Vegetable Crops
Advances in Postharvest Technologies of Vegetable Crops
Editors: Bijendra Singh, PhD, Sudhir Singh, PhD, and Tanmay K. Koley, PhD
Plant Food By-Products
Plant Food By-Products
Editors: J. Fernando Ayala-Zavala, PhD, Gustavo Gonzalez-Aguilar, PhD, and Mohammed Wasim Siddiqui, PhD
Emerging Postharvest Treatment of Fruits and Vegetables
Emerging Postharvest Treatment of Fruits and Vegetables
Editors: Kalyan Barman, PhD, Swati Sharma, PhD, and Mohammed Wasim Siddiqui, PhD
Emerging Technologies for Shelf-Life Enhancement of Fruits
Emerging Technologies for Shelf-Life Enhancement of Fruits
Editors: Basharat Nabi Dar, PhD, Shabir Ahmad Mir, PhD
Sensor-Based Quality Assessment Systems for Fruits and Vegetables
Sensor-Based Quality Assessment Systems for Fruits and Vegetables
Editors: Bambang Kuswandi, PhD, Mohammed Wasim Siddiqui, PhD
Packaging and Storage of Fruits and Vegetables
Packaging and Storage of Fruits and Vegetables
Editor: Tanweer Alam, PhD
Postharvest Physiological Disorders of Fruits
Postharvest Physiological Disorders of Fruits
Editors: Ghulam Khaliq, PhD, and Sajid Ali, PhD
Novel Packaging Systems for Fruits and Vegetables
Novel Packaging Systems for Fruits and Vegetables
Editors: Kirtiraj K. Gaikwad, PhD, and Suman Singh, PhD
Regulatory Framework for Postharvest Horticultural Fresh Produce and Trade Practices
Regulatory Framework for Postharvest Horticultural Fresh Produce and Trade Practices
Editors: Deepak Kumar, PhD, Anupama Panghal, PhD, Sanjay K. Singh, PhD, and Sanjeevi Shanthakumar, PhD
Nonthermal Food Processing Technologies
Nonthermal Food Processing Technologies
Editors: Kaavya Rathnakumar, PhD, and R. Pandiselvam, PhD
Bioengineered Fruit and Vegetables
Bioengineered Fruit and Vegetables
Editors: Mohammad Irfan, PhD, and Pankaj Kumar, PhD
Ready-to-Eat Snacks
Ready-to-Eat Snacks
Editors: R. Pandiselvam, PhD and Gülþah Çalýþkan Koç, PhD
Ozone Applications in the Food Industry
Ozone Applications in the Food Industry
Editors: Ravi Pandiselvam, PhD, Anjineyulu Kothakota, PhD, and Kaavya Rathnakumar, PhD
Handbook of Research on Mango Fruit
Handbook of Research on Mango Fruit
Editors: Sajjad Hussain, PhD, Kamrun Nahar, PhD, Ishtiaq A. Rajwana, PhD, Sezai Ercisli, PhD, and Shakeel Ahmad, PhD
Physiological Disorders of Fruits and Vegetables
Physiological Disorders of Fruits and Vegetables
Editors: Ghulam Khaliq, PhD, Sajid Ali, PhD, and Mohammed Wasim Siddiqui, PhD
Sustainable Approaches in Postharvest Handling and Management
Sustainable Approaches in Postharvest Handling and Management
Editor: Pankaj B. Pathare, PhD
Postharvest Quality Attributes of Fresh Grains and Vegetables
Postharvest Quality Attributes of Fresh Grains and Vegetables
Editors: Riadh Ilahy, Dr. Imen Tlili, Thouraya R’him, PhD, and Muhammad Azam

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