This 2-volume book set, Phytochemistry and Pharmacology of Medicinal Plants, introduces and provides extensive coverage of 79 important medicinal plant species. CONTENTS: VOLUME 2 42. Chemical Composition and Biological Properties of Musk Willow (Salix aegyptiaca L.) Gadwal Shaik Nishat Anjum, Sharmila Arunagiri, and Chinnadurai Immanuel Selvaraj 43. Phytochemistry and Pharmacological Properties of Salvadora persica L. M. Santosh Kumari, K. Ammani, and Ch. Srinivasa Reddy 44. Bioactive Components and Pharmacology of Memecylon S. Asha, C. Umamaheswari, Tarun Pal, and U. Jaya Lakshmi 45. An Account of Traditional Uses, Bioactive Compounds and Pharmacological Activities of the Genus Hydnocarpus (Family: Achariaceae) Harsha V. Hegde, Santoshkumar Jayagoudar, Pradeep Bhat, and Savaliram G. Ghane 46. Chemical Principles, Bioactivity and Pharmacology of Hedychium spicatum Sm. (Family: Zingiberaceae) Sinjumol Thomas, K. J.Binimol, and Bince Mani 47. Functional Components and Biological Activities of Kaempferia galanga L. (Chandramoolika) Chachad Devangi and Mondal Manoshree 48. Bioactive Compounds and Pharmacological Activities of Terminalia pallida Brandis Pasupuleti Sivaramakrishna, Pulicherla Yugandhar, and Nataru Savithramma 49. Phytochemistry and Pharmacology of an Aquatic Herb Nymphaea pubescens Willd. Kiran Kumar Angadi, Ammani Kandru, and Ch. Srinivasa Reddy 50. Phyla nodiflora (L.) Greene: Exquisite Plant with Therapeutic Effects Somasundaram Ramachandran and Veeramaneni Alekhya 51. Phytochemical and Pharmacological Profile of Achyranthes aspera L. (Amaranthaceae) Raja Kullayiswamy and Sarojini Devi N. 52. Phytochemistry and Pharmacology of Garcinia mangostana (Mangosteen): A Review Estefani Yaquelin Hernández-Cruz, Omar N. Medina-Campos, and José Pedraza-Chaverri 53. Bioactives and Pharmacology of Cycas beddomei Dyer B. Kavitha and N. Yasodamma 54. Phytochemical and Pharmacological Profile of Tridax procumbens L.: An Asteraceaeous Member Raja Kullayiswamy K and Sarojini Devi N. 55. Bioactives and Their Biological Potentialities of Wild Cinnamon [Cinnamomum malabatrum (Burm.F.) J.Presl (Lauraceae)] Saranya Surendran, Chandra Prabha Ayyathurai, and Raju Ramasubbu 56. Therapeutic Potential and Bioactives of Amaranthus spinosus L. Vrushali Manoj Hadkar, Kallipudi Charishma Reddy, and Chinnadurai Immanuel Selvaraj 57. Mussaenda macrophylla Wall.: Chemical Composition and Pharmacological Applications Marina Lalremruati, Mary Zosangzuali, C. Lalmuansangi, F. Nghakliana, and Zothansiama 58. Phytochemistry and Pharmacological Potentialities of Syzygium densiflorum Wall. Ex Wight & Arn. and S. travancoricum Gamble (Myrtaceae) Athira Reghunath, Anjana Surendran, and Raju Ramasubbu 59. Bioactives and Ethnopharmacology of Pittosporum napaulense (Dc.) Rehder & E. H. Wilson B. Kavitha and N. Yasodamma 60. Tree of Heaven: Ailanthus excelsa Roxb.: Chemistry and Pharmacology Digambar N. Mokat and Tai D. Kharat 61. Pharmacology and Therapeutic Potential of Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers. Jaishree Vaijanathappa 62. A Review of Phytochemistry and Pharmacological Activities of Aristolochia indica L. Vishal P. Deshmukh 63. Pharmacological Activities of Diploclisia glaucescens (Blume) Diels Rutuja J. Tirbhane, Pradip V. Deshmukh, and Utkarsha M. Lekhak 64. Phytochemical Composition and Pharmacological Properties of Red Spinach (Amaranthus tricolor L.) Vrushali Manoj Hadkar, Lankapothu Venkata Charishma, and Chinnadurai Immanuel Selvaraj 65. Bioactive Molecules and Pharmacology Studies of Ecbolium viride (Forssk.) Alston Sibbala Subramanyam, V. L. Ashok Babu, V. Saleem Basha, and K. N. Jayaveera 66. Phytoconstituents and Pharmacological Activities of Star Fruit [Averrhoa carambola L. (Family: Oxalidaceae)] Savaliram G. Ghane and Rahul L. Zanan 67. Pharmacological and Phytochemical Review of a Vulnerable Medicinal Plant Embelia ribes Burm. F. Vidya V. Kamble, Vishwas A. Bapat, and Nikhil B. Gaikwad 68. Bioactives and Pharmacology of Tamarix aphylla (L.) Karst. Chaudhary Hiral, Nainesh R. Modi, and Desai Krishna 69. Bioactives and Pharmacology Avicennia marina (Forssk.) Vierh. Jitendra R. Patil, Savaliram G. Ghane, and Ganesh C. Nikalje 70. Phytochemical and Pharmacological Properties of Himalayan Silver Birch (Betula utilis D. Don): A Dominant Treeline Forming Species Khashti Dasila and Mithilesh Singh 71. A Comprehensive Review of Phytochemistry and Pharmacological Potential of Musanga cecropioides R.Br. Ex Tedlie Vishal P. Deshmukh 72. Angelica clauca Edgew.: An Ethnopharmacological, Phytochemical and Pharmacological Review Swati and H K. Pandey 73. Clusia nemorosa G. Mey: A Plant with Pharmacological Potential Jamylle Nunes De Souza Ferro, Maria Danielma Dos Santos Reis, Felipe Lima Porto, Rafael Vrijdags Calado, Tayhana Priscila Medeiros Souza, and Emiliano Barreto 74. Phytochemical Constituents and Pharmacology of Eclipta prostrata (L.) L. Thadiyan Parambil Ijinu, Sreejith Pongillyathundiyil Sasidharan, Vasantha Kavunkal Hridya, Sulochana Priji, Sharad Srivastava, and Palpu Pushpangadan 75. Phytochemical Potential and Pharmacology of Ephedra alata Decne. Savaliram G. Ghane, Santoshkumar Jayagoudar, Pradeep Bhat, and Rahul L. Zanan 76. Ephedra sinica Stapf: An Exemplary Source of Ephedrine-Type Alkaloids Suraj B. Patel, Pradeep Bhat, Santoshkumar Jayagoudar, Rahul L. Zanan, and Savaliram G. Ghane 77. Pharmacological Review of Potential Underutilized Plant Rhus mysorensis G. Don Nilesh Vitthalrao Pawar and Ashok Dattatray Chougale 78. Devil’s Cherry (Atropa belladonna L.): A Systematic Review of Its Phytoactives and Pharmacological Properties Pradeep Bhat, Harsha V. Hegde, Savaliram G. Ghane, and Santoshkumar Jayagoudar 79. Traditional Use, Chemical Constituents and Pharmacology of Cocos nucifera L. Thadiyan Parambil Ijinu, Manikantan Ambika Chithra, Maheswari Rani Priya, Thomas Aswany, Varughese George, and Palpu Pushpangadan Index About the Authors / Editors: Editor: T. Pullaiah, PhD Former Professor, Department of Botany, Sri Krishnadevaraya University, Andhra Pradesh, India T. Pullaiah, PhD, is a former Professor at the Department of Botany at Sri Krishnadevaraya University in Andhra Pradesh, India, where he has taught for more than 35 years. He has held several positions at the university, including Dean, Faculty of Biosciences, Head of the Department of Botany, Head of the Department of Biotechnology, and Member of the Academic Senate. He was President of the Indian Botanical Society (2014), President of the Indian Association for Angiosperm Taxonomy (2013), and Fellow of Andhra Pradesh Akademi of Sciences. He was awarded the Panchanan Maheshwari Gold Medal, the Dr. G. Panigrahi Memorial Lecture Award of the Indian Botanical Society, the Prof. Y.D. Tyagi Gold Medal of the Indian Association for Angiosperm Taxonomy, and a best teacher award from the Government of Andhra Pradesh. Under his guidance, 54 students obtained their doctoral degrees. He has authored over 50 books, edited 20 books, and published over 330 research papers, including reviews and book chapters. His books include Advances in Cell and Molecular Diagnostics, Ethnobotany of India (5 volumes), Red Sanders: Silviculture and Conservation, Monograph on Brachystelma and Ceropegia in India, Flora of Andhra Pradesh (5 volumes), Flora of Eastern Ghats (7 volumes), Flora of Telangana (3 volumes), Encyclopaedia of World Medicinal Plants (7 volumes, 2nd edition), Encyclopaedia of Herbal Antioxidants (3 volumes), Global Biodiversity (4 volumes), and Handbook of Research on Herbal Liver Protection.He also has several books in preparation now. Dr. Pullaiah was a member of the Species Survival Commission of the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). He received his PhD from Andhra University, India, and attended Moscow State University, Russia. |
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