Energy Science

AAP Advances in Green Technologies for Sustainable Energy Solutions

Next-Generation Wind Energy Technology
Advances, Challenges, and Applications

Editors: Dr. Prem Kumar Chaurasiya
Dr. Ashwani Kumar
Dr. Gaurav Dwivedi
Dr. Tikendra Nath Verma

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Next-Generation Wind Energy Technology

Pub Date: TBA
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Series: AAP Advances in Green Technologies for Sustainable Energy Solutions

Call for Book Chapters

Short description about the book:

This book focuses on younger students, engineers, and research scholars who are currently working in the relevant field and are expected to have knowledge of both the fundamentals and advanced concepts of wind energy. The highlights will include a variety of technologies and approaches that may be utilized in order generate wind energy. This book covers a wide range of research projects that have been undertaken by a variety of researchers from different countries all over the world who are working on wind energy solutions for a brighter tomorrow. In this book, special emphasis will be placed on wind siting, design and other valuable, with the goal of drawing attention to the urgent requirement that to productive use.

The book includes the most recent developments in research and applications pertaining to wind energy and also include examples of a wide variety of other innovative approaches. One of the many unique aspects that will stand out about this book is its application of remote sensing technology. This book will be the first of its type to showcase the many different technologies that may be used for the generation and utilization of wind energy. The book will also place an emphasis on the impact it has had on the environment. Researchers will be able to more easily reproduce the methodology for their own reference studies as a result of this.

Wind energy is used in a variety of ways in our society today. One of the most common ways is through wind turbines that generate electricity. This book will cover a variety of subjects pertaining to wind energy. Researchers just starting out in the field of wind energy technologies will get a peek of some of the current methods that are being developed for the purpose of exploiting wind to generate electricity. This will enlighten the readers in their quest for further material and approaches as soon as possible and will assist in the efficient management of energy conversion. Learners at a higher level can use the book as a reference for the investigation that they are carrying out on their own and compare the findings depicted in the book with the information that they have gathered from their own research.

Latest technologies and trends in wind energy generation and utilization.

The development of next-generation wind energy technology is progressing swiftly as a component of worldwide efforts to shift towards cleaner and more sustainable energy sources. The book unfolds as a comprehensive tome, meticulously curated to guide scholars, researchers, and practitioners through the intricate interplay of dynamics of wind and elevated technologies.

The future of wind energy hinges on the expansion of offshore wind infrastructure, enhancement of turbine efficiency, and integration of renewable energy sources with cutting-edge storage technologies. Advancements in artificial intelligence, materials science, and hybrid systems are poised to lower expenses and boost the worldwide market acceptance of wind energy.

Divided into chapters, the book commences with an introduction about the recent trends in wind energy technologies and the related researches that are being conducted in the various areas of wind energy and involves the collection and analysis of data on the wind speed, direction, and turbulence at the location, as well as the topography, vegetation, and other environmental factors that could affect wind flow in next chapter. The various methodologies adopted and novel approaches applied for harnessing and effective utilization of wind energy is discussed in chapter 3. The next chapter includes several aspects that must be considered to ensure the turbine operates efficiently and reliably such as blade design, rotor design, tower design. Similarly, chapter 5 involves the layout and configuration of the turbines, as well as other infrastructure, to maximize energy production and minimize costs using novel approaches in Wind resource assessment, Land use and environmental considerations, Stakeholder engagement, Turbine selection, Turbine layout & Electrical infrastructure. Various statistical tools used for design of experiments and its corresponding methodologies in adopting clean energy. The latest approaches in extracting maximum wind energy with minimum losses will be discussed in next chapter. The critical component of a wind energy system, responsible for converting the mechanical energy of the wind into electrical energy that can be delivered to the grid will be discussed in detail. The design, safety, reliability, and efficient operation of the wind turbine, meeting the requirements of the grid operator and regulatory authorities is also discussed.
Chapter 7 shows various novel approaches in to improve the overall efficiency, reliability, and performance of the wind farm. Next chapter focuses on how new technologies are transforming wind farms into smarter and more sustainable operations, use of sensors and data analytics for real-time monitoring of wind turbine health, preventing failures, and reducing maintenance costs, minimize the environmental impact of wind farms, including bird and bat collision mitigation strategies. Chapter 9 discusses the effective and efficient use of remote sensing instruments for various useful applications and the optimized novel design for efficiency, performance, reliability, and cost-effectiveness, while also being compatible with the specific wind conditions and site characteristics are included in next chapter.

The economics and environmental impact in implementing the wind energy resources as an alternative to the fossil fuels will be discussed thoroughly in the chapter 11. Various review and case studies conducted by researchers in the area of wind energy is discussed in this chapter 12 as an integral part of the book. Chapter 13 includes Optimization techniques in wind resource assessment, Forecasting of Wind Power Using Hybrid Machine Learning Approach, Modeling of Power Management Strategy Using AI, AI based Wide-Area Monitoring for Wind Energy, Adaptive Control of Smart Microgrid Using AI Techniques and Power Flow Algorithm based Solving Approach for Grid Integration of Wind-Solar Energy Models. Chapter 14 shows the integration of wind turbines with desalination plants to provide clean water in arid regions, Analyzing the use of wind energy to generate electricity for hydrogen production, a clean energy carrier for various applications. Chapter 15 deals with smaller-scale wind turbines for residential, commercial, and industrial applications, including rooftop turbines and micro grids, use of wind energy to power electric vehicles through charging infrastructure.

Providing a deep grasp of basic concepts, cutting-edge technology, and developing trends, the book aims to reconcile the conceptual and practical elements of advanced wind energy technologies. Following an incisive " the fundamental chapters introduce wind energy technology and comprehensive analysis of wind resource assessment, design aerodynamics, siting of wind farm and statistical tools. The detailed examination of remote sensing technology for resource assessment, intercropping, repowering of wind farm, electrical and control system future advancements are discussed with case study. Furthermore, the book tackles the unique difficulties associated with the application of AI and ML, wind power desalination and hydrogen production and offers pragmatic remedies to issues derived from actual case studies. The book aims to give a thorough reference guide with a global viewpoint, a suitable focus on environmental factors, and an analysis of future prospects and extent - therefore providing both depth and breadth in the fast-developing area of wind energy technology.


To create a comprehensive and authoritative volume, we invite scholars and researchers to contribute original research and perspectives to this book project. While the following topics will be a primary focus, we encourage submissions that explore a broader range of subjects within the field.

• Introduction to Wind Energy Technologies
• Wind Resource Assessment
• Energy Efficient Rotor Dynamic
• Aerodynamics Design aspects of wind turbine
• Siting and Design of Wind farm using Statistical Tools
• Wake Models, Electrical & control system
• Repowering and Intercropping of Wind Farm
• Smart and Sustainable Wind Farms
• Application of Remote sensing in Wind Energy Development
• Conceptual Design of Horizontal Axis Wind Turbines
• Wind Energy Economics and Environmental Impact
• Case studies of existing Wind Energy Technologies
• AI & ML application in Wind Energy Technologies
• Wind Powered Desalination and Hydrogen Production
• Powering the Future: Next-Gen Wind Integration into Diverse Applications.

Important Dates:
Initial Proposal / Abstract Submission (400 – 600 words)
Deadline: December 20th, 2024
Notification of Acceptance: December 25th, 2024
Full Chapter (4,000 – 7,000 words) Submission Due: On or before February 15th, 2025

Submission procedure:

We invite researchers and practitioners to contribute original chapters to this book. Prospective authors are encouraged to submit a one-page chapter proposal or abstract outlining the proposed chapter’s content, objectives, and methodology by December 20, 2024. Please include the chapter title and author details within the proposal. Authors will be notified regarding the acceptance of their proposals by December 25, 2024. Accepted authors will be required to submit completed chapters of 15 to 20 pages by February 15, 2025. All submitted chapters will undergo a rigorous peer-review process.

To submit your proposal or full-length chapter, please send a Word document attachment to editors:

Dr. Prem Kumar Chaurasiya

Dr. Ashwani Kumar

Dr. Gaurav Dwivedi

Dr. Tikendra Nath Verma

Authors must refer to the following link for detailed guidelines for chapter preparation:

Note: Authors submitting manuscripts to this book do not incur any publication fees. To ensure the originality and quality of the content, all submissions must be previously unpublished and not under consideration for publication in any other venue.

About the Authors / Editors:
Editors: Dr. Prem Kumar Chaurasiya
Assistant Professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering, National Institute of Technology Raipur, India

Dr. Ashwani Kumar
Senior Lecturer Mechanical Engineering, Technical Education Department Uttar Pradesh Kanpur (under Government of Uttar Pradesh), India

Dr. Gaurav Dwivedi
Assistant Professor, Energy Centre, MANIT Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, India

Dr. Tikendra Nath Verma
Associate Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, MANIT Bhopal, India

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