
Advances in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology

Nanomedicine and Cancer Therapies
Editors: Mathew Sebastian, MD
Neethu Ninan
Eldho Elias

Nanomedicine and Cancer Therapies

Published. Now Available
Pub Date: July 2012
Hardback Price: see ordering info
Hard ISBN: 9781926895185
Paperback ISBN: 978-1-77463-237-6
E-Book ISBN: 9781466560086
Pages: 272pp
Binding Type: hardbound / ebook / paperback
Series: Advances in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology
Volume: Volume 2

“This book offers an overview of the latest trends in cancer therapy stemming from nonconventional approaches. The book covers research targets at various hierarchical levels of the disease progression, from the molecular level up the psychological implications. The richness of the information and the extent of the topics are the strengths of this book, which offers the informed reader a synthesis on nonconventional approaches in cancer treatment and new technological advances for cancer research. In this framework, the current volume should be considered a work-in-progress, useful to stimulate innovative interdisciplinary research pathways.”
-Gabriele Ferrini, PhD, Interdisciplinary Laboratories for Advanced Materials (i-LAMP), Dipartimento di Matematica e Fisica, Universita Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Brescia, Italy

Now Available in Paperback

This new book presents a wealth of information and research about the most potent cancer healing therapies, focusing particularly how nanomedicine, holistic medicine, and other cancer therapies play important roles in treating cancer. Nanotechnology has the power to radically change the way cancer is diagnosed, imaged, and treated. The holistic approach to cancer involves noninvasive procedures focused upon restoring the health of human energy fields.

Chapter 1. Nanotechnological Based Systems for Cancer
Jagat R. Kanwar
Chapter 2. In vivo Spectroscopy for Detection and Treatment of GBM with NPt® Implantation
José de la Rosa
Chapter 3. Nanobiotechnology for Antibacterial Therapy and Diagnosis
Jagat R. Kanwar
Chapter 4. Chitosan Nanoparticles
Divyen Shah
Chapter 5. Synthesis and Biomedical Application of Silver Nanoparticles
Saravanan M
Chapter 6. Recent Advances in Cancer Therapy Using Phytochemicals
Hullathy Subban Ganapathy
Chapter 7. Mitochondrial Dysfunction and Cancer: Modulation by Palladium ?-Lipoic Acid Complex
C. V. Krishnan
Chapter 8. Unity of Mind and Body: The Concept of Life Purpose Dominant
O.V. Bukhtoyarov
Chapter 9. Thuja Occidentalis and Breast Cancer Chemoprevention
BK Ojeswi
Chapter 10. Antioxidants and Combinatorial Therapies in Cancer Treatment
Arpita Saxena
Chapter 11. Eruca sativa Inhibits Melanoma Growth: A Scientific Evidence
M. Khoobchandani
Chapter 12. Optical and Mechanical Investigations of Nanostructures for Biomolecular Detection
G. Ferrini
Chapter 13. Suffering and Comfort in Portuguese Cancer Patients
João Luís Alves Apóstolo

About the Authors / Editors:
Editors: Mathew Sebastian, MD
Senior Consultant Surgeon, Elisabethinen Hospital, Klagenfurt, Austria; Austrian Association for Ayurveda

Dr. Mathew Sebastian has a degree in surgery (1976) with specialization in Ayurveda. He holds several diplomas in acupuncture, neural therapy (pain therapy), manual therapy and vascular diseases. He was a missionary doctor in Mugana Hospital, Bukoba in Tansania, Africa (1976- 1978) and underwent surgical training in different hospitals in Austria, Germany, and India for more than 10 years and has several diplomas. Since 2000 he is the doctor in charge of the Ayurveda and Vein Clinic in Klagenfurt, Austria. At present he is a Consultant Surgeon Privatclinic Maria Hilf, Klagenfurt. He is a member of the scientific advisory committee of the European Academy for Ayurveda, Birstein, Germany, and TAM advisory committee (Traditional Asian Medicine, Sector Ayurveda) of the Austrian Ministry for Health Vienna. He conducted an International Ayurveda Congress in Klagenfurt, Austria, in 2010. He has several publications to his name.

Neethu Ninan
Doctoral Researcher in Nanomedicine, University of South Brittany, France, and Centre for Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Mahatma Gandhi University, India

Neethu Ninan is doing joint doctoral research in nanomedicine and tissue engineering at both the University of South Brittany (Lorient, France) and the Centre for Nanoscience and Nanotechnology at Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam, Kerala, India. She received her Masters of engineering in nanomedical science from Amrita Centre for Nanoscience, Kochi, India. She has participated in several national and international conferences and was awarded a Department of Science and Technology Fellowship from the government of India.

Eldho Elias
Doctoral Researcher in Polymer Nanocomposites, School of Chemical Science, Mahatma Gandhi University

Eldho Elias is doing doctoral research in polymer nanocomposites at the School of Chemical Science at Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam, Kerala, India. He received his Masters of Engineering in polymer technology from Cochin University of Science and technology. He has participated in several national and international conferences.

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