Water Management

Innovations in Agricultural and Biological Engineering

Principles and Applications for Water Management

Editor-in-Chief: Megh R. Goyal, PhD, PE
Co-editor: Eric W. Harmsen, PhD, PE


Published. Available now.
Pub Date: September 2013
Hardback Price: see ordering info
Hard ISBN: 9781926895581
Paperback ISBN: 978-1-77463-286-4
E-Book ISBN: 9781482212167
Pages: 628pp
Binding Type: hardbound / ebook / paperback
Series: Innovations in Agricultural and Biological Engineering

“The publication of this book is an indication that things are beginning to change, that we are beginning to realize the importance of water conservation to minimize hunger. Contributors as well as the Apple Academic Press Inc. are rendering an important service to the entire world, and above all to the poor. Contributors have done an unselfish job in the presentation of this compendium that is simple, thorough, complete, and useful during world economic and water crisis.”
—Gajendra Singh, PhD, Former Deputy Director General
(Engineering), Indian Council of Agricultural Research, New Delhi; Former Vice President/Dean/Professor and Chairman at Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand

“I am enthusiastic to know that Apple Academic Press Inc., has put together this compendium. The book is simple, thorough, informative and complete manual on how evapotranspiration plays an important role in the hydrologic cycle and human life. Authors have applied mechanics of evapotranspiration to water management in agriculture and forest sciences. I invite the water scientists to answer a simple question: Will there be enough potable water in the future?"
—Miguel A. Muñoz, PhD, President, University of Puerto Rico, USA

Now Available in Paperback

Evapotranspiration: Principles and Applications for Water Management covers topics on basic models, assessments, and techniques to calculate evapotranspiration (ET) for practical applications in agriculture, forestry, and urban science. This is simpler and thorough guide that provides the information and techniques necessary to develop, manage, interpret, and apply evapotranspiration [ET] data to practical applications. The simplicity of the contents facilitates a technician to develop ET data for effective water management. This book complements other ET books on the market and covers many topics that are not covered in other books. It is unique in that it includes an historical review, basic principles and applications, how to generate missing climate data, research results using remotely sensed climatic data, and research results from around the world.

Chapter 1: Historical Evolution of Evapotranspiration Methods
Chapter 2: Water Vapor Flux Models for Agriculture
Chapter 3: Direct Measurement of Transpiration
Chapter 4: Design of Lysimeter for Turfgrass Water Use
Chapter 5: Evapotranspiration: Meteorological Methods
Chapter 6: Evaporation Estimations with Neural Networks
Chapter 7: Pan Evaporation Modeling: Indian Agriculture
Chapter 8: Evapotranspiration for Cypress and
Pine Forests: Florida, USA
Chapter 9: Evapotranspiration for Pinelands: New Jersey, USA
Chapter 10: Water Management in Citrus
Chapter 11: Vegetation Water Demand and Basin Water Availability in Mexico
Chapter 12: Turfgrass Deficit Irrigation Practices for Water
Chapter 13: Evapotranspiration for Kingdom of Saudi Arabia: Modified Hargreaves Model
Chapter 14: Evapotranspiration with Distant Weather Stations: Saudi Arabia
Chapter 15: Actual Evapotranspiration using LANDSAT 5 TM in Thailand
Chapter 16: Sensor Based Irrigation Scheduling
Chapter 17: Snow Budgeting and Water Resources
Chapter 18: Historical Overview of Evapotranspiration in Puerto Rico
Chapter 19: Reference Evapotranspiration for Colombia
Chapter 20: Water Management for Agronomic Crops in Trinidad
Chapter 21: Crop Water Stress Index for Common Beans
Chapter 22: Temperature versus Elevation Relationships: Evapotranspiration
Chapter 23: Generation of Missing Climatic Data: Puerto Rico
Chapter 24: Estimation of Pan Evaporation Coefficients
Chapter 25: Daily Evapotranspiration Estimations using Satellite Remote Sensing
Chapter 26: Vapor Flux Measurement System
Chapter 27: Climate Change Impacts on Agricultural Water Resources: 2090
Chapter 28: Evapotranspiration using Satellite Remote Sensing for the Tropical Climate
Chapter 29: Water Management in Sweet Peppers
Chapter 30: Web Based Irrigation Scheduling

About the Authors / Editors:
Editor-in-Chief: Megh R. Goyal, PhD, PE
Retired Professor in Agricultural and Biomedical Engineering, University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez Campus Senior Acquisitions Editor, Agricultural Sciences and Biomedical Engineering, Apple Academic Press, Inc. email: goyalmegh@gmail.com

Megh R. Goyal, PhD, PE, was born in India. He received his BSc degree in agricultural engineering in 1971 from Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana - India; his MSc degree in 1977 and PhD.degree in 1979 from the Ohio State University, Columbus; and his master of divinity degree in 2001 from Puerto Rico Evangelical Seminary, Hato Rey Ð Puerto Rico. Since 1971, he has worked as Soil Conservation Inspector and Research Assistant at Haryana Agricultural University and the Ohio State University; as well as Research Agricultural Engineer at Agricultural Experiment Station of the University of Puerto Rico Ð Mayaguez Campus (UPRM).

At present, he is a retired professor of agricultural and biomedical engineering in the College of Engineering at University of Puerto Rico Ð Mayaguez Campus; and Senior Acquisitions Editor for Agriculture and Biomedical Engineering for Apple Academic Press Inc. He was the first agricultural engineer to receive the professional license in agricultural engineering in 1986 from the College of Engineers & Surveyors of Puerto Rico. On September 16, 2005, he was proclaimed as "Father of Irrigation Engineering in Puerto Rico for the 20th Century" by the ASABE Ð Puerto Rico Section, for his pioneering work on micro irrigation, evapotranspiration, agroclimatology, and soil and water engineering. During his professional career of 42 years, he has received awards such as Scientist of the Year, Blue Ribbon Extension Award, Research Paper Award, Nolan Mitchell Young Extension Worker Award, Agricultural Engineer of the Year, Citations by Mayors of Juana Diaz and Ponce, Membership Grand Prize for ASAE Campaign, Felix Castro Rodriguez Academic Excellence, Rashtrya Ratan Award and Bharat Excellence Award and Gold Medal, Domingo Marrero Navarro Prize, Adopted son of Moca, Irrigation Protagonist of UPRM, Man of Drip Irrigation by Mayor of Municipalities of Mayaguez/ Caguas/ Ponce and Senate/ Secretary of Agriculture of ELA Ð Puerto Rico.

He has authored more than 200 journal articles and textbooks, including Biofluid Dynamics of Human Body Systems and Management of Drip/Trickle or Micro Irrigation by Apple Academic Press Inc.

Co-editor: Eric W. Harmsen, PhD, PE
Professional Agricultural Engineer, University of Puerto Rico, Puerto Rico

Dr. Eric W Harmsen received his BSc and MSc degrees in agricultural engineering from Michigan State University and PhD degree from the University of Wisconsin. He holds a professional engineer license. Currently he is currently a professor in the Department of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering, University of Puerto Rico-Mayaguez Campus. He teaches courses in agricultural hydrology, agroclimatology and irrigation. He was previously Associate Research Editor of the Journal of Soil and Water Conservation (2001-2005) as well as a reviewer for many professional journals. He is a member of the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers (U.S. and Puerto Rico Chapters), the Caribbean Food Crop Society, the Puerto Rico Society of Agricultural Scientists, and Gamma Sigma Delta (Agricultural Honor Society). His research interests include measurement and modeling of all components of the hydrologic cycle; remote sensing of water and energy balance in the tropics; and agroclimatology.

Some of Dr. Harmsen’s water management related publications and presentation can be found at the following link: http://pragwater.com/selected-publications-and-presentations/

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