Security & Disaster Management

Disaster Recovery
Community-Based Psychosocial Support in the Aftermath

Editor: Joseph O. Prewitt Diaz, PhD

Disaster Recovery

Published. Available now.
Pub Date: May 2018
Hardback Price: see ordering info
Hard ISBN: 9781771886314
Paperback ISBN: 978-1-77463-071-6
E-Book ISBN: 9781315102689
Pages: 360pp w/Index
Binding Type: hardbound / ebook / paperback

“This is a unique book on a very important topic of post disaster psychosocial support, which is considered as an important pillar of disaster recovery. . . . This book provides, for the first time, in-depth analysis on the topic, which has both academic analysis as well as practical implications. This book can be considered as a good reference document for future policy formulation as well a research in the subject.”
—Progress in Disaster Science,
July 2019, review by Rajib Shaw (Editor-in-Chief)

“Disaster Recovery is a landmark text for clinicians and practitioners involved in community-based psychosocial responses in domestic or international emergencies. Based on his many years of disaster experience, Joseph Diaz Prewitt eloquently explains the psychosocial impact of crisis events and emergencies and the need for interdisciplinary psychosocial interventions. He elaborates on the linkages between the territorial and the relational aspects, unfolding the concepts of loss of place and place attachment, and describes the impact of loss of place representing years of lived experiences. The options for a psychosocial transformation and reconstruction, provided communities are mobilized, are described in theory and in chapters on program implementation with case studies from around the world. Disaster Recovery will certainly inform, enlighten and inspire!”
—Ea Suzanne Akasha, Technical Advisor, International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies Reference Centre for Psychosocial Support

“Dr. Joe Prewitt’s book is a must read for students, practitioners, and academics in the humanitarian and development field. Covering the building blocks and current events, this is by far the most comprehensive book available on the topic of psychosocial support. Within minutes of reading the text, you will realize why it is hard to discuss psychosocial support without discussing the indelible contributions Dr. Joe has made in this area!”
—Jono Anzalone, Vice President, International Services, American Red Cross

“An outstanding and comprehensive contribution to the understanding and practice of international disaster psychology. Not only has he and the other contributors presented a sound framework for the necessity and benefits of community-based approaches, but they’ve also included several case examples to demonstrate how those approaches were implemented constructively in a variety of disaster settings. Of special appreciation from this reviewer’s point of view is the clarity and recognition given to several sociological concepts and related community intervention strategies. The authors’ explanation of the importance of a ‘sense of place’ and ways to restore that following a disaster especially bears noting. Both academics as well as practitioners are encouraged to read this book and develop research and program evaluation designs to focus on one or more of the community sociological intervention concepts and methods identified in this publication.”
—Gordon R. Dodge, PhD, LP, Disaster Psychologist

“The future will be better tomorrow.”—Singaporean slogan

“The former American Psychological Association president Nick Cummings used to tell us of his World War Two paratrooper psychologist experiences. I tried to imagine him landing as a first responder, ready to unpack his Rorschach cards, there to do emergency first aid. It was an amusing image. After all, what can a psychologist do for victims of disasters in the chaos of their emergency? Quite a bit it turns out. The well-named ‘Dean of Clinical Hypnosis,’ David Cheek MD, taught us how to utilize his techniques for bringing disaster survivors out of shock and trauma, even to controlling peripheral blood flow. It was David who demonstrated how suggestible patients under general anesthetic can be helped or (even lethally) harmed by what is said in their unconscious presence by doctors and nurses. When in another decade an airplane leveled several streets of San Diego homes, we had much to do in providing psychosocial services to the traumatized survivors. So it would seem psychologists can have some genuinely helpful post-disaster emergency care roles, sparse as these insights were and even more rarely to be found in graduate education. And so it was as the 20th century ended.

“The beginning of the 21st century saw an enhanced role for psychosocial intervention in the burgeoning field of trauma prevention and treatment. Following this were many texts, often helpful. My own 2012 Trauma Psychology in Context: International Vignettes was part of a move to incorporate trauma theory with in-context world-wide vignettes, ones useful as teaching tools for first responders. This included an evening seminar I later taught at the University of New Mexico, one for working students preparing for trauma treatment roles. Still, recent years have more specifically seen an accelerating incidence of global disasters, an important aftermath focus within trauma training. Whether its climate change disasters, war, or interpersonal mass violence, many more well-trained first responders with psychosocial skills are now necessary. To address this, what is required now is a text that demonstrates, chapter by chapter, contemporary examples of international disasters being effectively addressed in their aftermath by community-based psychosocial interventions. From crises in Southeast Asia to Puerto Rico, connecting our best theoretical models for disaster recovery to actual success, such a book would be essential for classes in the training of first responders, in and out of universities. Well, Dr. Joseph O. Prewitt Diaz has given us this book in 2018 with
DISASTER RECOVERY: Community-Based Psychosocial Support in the Aftermath. Replete with the valuable contemporary experiences of his own and invited colleagues, this book belongs in every graduate school and professional training seminar where learning essential community-centered psychosocial disaster aftermath skills are the desired competency. Our human family needs this material. This book offers a future that tomorrow can be better.”
—Robert F. Morgan, PhD, President, Morgan Foundation Publishers

Now Available in Paperback

This new volume, Disaster Recovery: Community-Based Psychosocial Support in the Aftermath, provides a wealth of realistic and applicable information for addressing psychosocial support related issues resulting from disasters. It will provide readers with both a theoretical and practical look at community-based psychosocial support and community consultation from an interdisciplinary perspective. The last thirty years have brought to the fore the importance of psychosocial support as an integrator and cross-cutting theme in disaster response. The need for a timely volume on this topic at this time is based on recent world efforts to include the topic within the disaster risk reduction framework.

In this volume, the authors share their practical knowledge about development of community-based psychosocial support based on the hundred of thousands of people in fourteen countries and three continents who provided an immense amount of knowledge about psychosocial support through their participation in programs. These programs helped to lead the way in sharing the strategies and tools presented in this book.

This book uses case study methodology and practical examples to share how communities can come together, care for themselves, and use their social capital and problem-solving skills to survive and thrive. The information in the book will aid in the development of program offerings for mental health and psychosocial support in disasters and humanitarian emergencies. The book includes case studies to help illustrate the content.

The editor has also included two timely chapters on psychosocial support activities in the aftermath of Hurricane Maria in Puerto Rico. One chapter reports comments from 630 survivors from 22 towns, and the other chapters discusses how place-based psychosocial support activities can serve as a conduit to re-establishing place, defines place-based interventions, encourages critical thinking exercises and community-led dialogues to address their needs, and suggests that the community members are ultimately the architects of their own recovery.

Edited by Dr. Joseph O. Prewitt Diaz, a 2008 recipient of the American Psychological Association’s International Humanitarian Award, the book is based on his extensive experience and existing research in the field.

The information provided here will be helpful to those working in or teaching on disaster management and support, including professors and instructors, students in social work and psychology, government and non-government agencies personnel in the field in places where emerging conflicts are occurring, and many others.

Key features:
  • provides a wealth of realistic and applicable information for addressing psychosocial support related issues resulting from disasters
  • relays the lessons learned from aid professionals from around the world
  • uses case studies to help illustrate the content


1. Theoretical Building Blocks for Community-Based Psychosocial Support
Joseph O. Prewitt Diaz

2. Historical Overview of Recent Policy Statements, Guidance, and Agreements Pertaining to Mental Health and Psychosocial Support
Joseph O. Prewitt Diaz

3. Components of Community-Based Psychosocial Support in Sri Lanka: Planning, Implementing, Monitoring, and Evaluating Community Resilience Project
Joseph O. Prewitt Diaz and Anjana Dayal Prewitt

4. Psychosocial Support in South and South East Asia: From the Gujarat Earthquake to the Tsunami
Joseph O. Prewitt Diaz

5. Development of a Linguistically Appropriate Instrument in Two States in India
Satyabrata Dash, Anjana Dayal, and Rashmi Lakshinarayana

6. Historical Overview of Psychosocial Support Program Response to the 2004 South Asia Tsunami
Anjana Dayal Prewitt

7. CBPSS (Community-Based Psychosocial Support) as Process and Tool for Protection of the Vulnerable Survivors of Disaster
Subhashis Bhatra

8. Implementation of Community-Based Psychosocial Support in South Asia
Satyabrata Dash

9. Psychosocial Support as a Priority in Ebola Response: Structured Interventions in Accordance with IASC- MHPSS Guidelines
Pramudith Rupasinghe

10. The First Psychosocial Procedures in Zenie: Ebola Response in Guinea
Jean-Claude Kékoura Zoumanigui and Cecilie Alessandri

11. Safe Schools as a Psychosocial Support Tool for Addressing Threats
Joseph O. Prewitt Diaz

12. Psychosocial Support and Epidemic Control Interface: A Case Study
Joseph O. Prewitt Diaz

13. Place-Based Psychosocial Interventions in the Aftermath of Hurricane Maria in Puerto Rico
Joseph O. Prewitt Diaz

14. Hurricane Maria, Personal and Collective Suffering, and Psychosocial Support as a Cross-Cutting Intervention
Joseph O. Prewitt Diaz

15. Psychosocial Support in Communities: A Review of Evidence-Informed Practice
Joseph O. Prewitt Diaz


About the Authors / Editors:
Editor: Joseph O. Prewitt Diaz, PhD
CEO, Center for the Study of Psychosocial Support, Alexandria, Virginia

Joseph O. Prewitt Díaz, PhD, is a practitioner scholar who has been doing field work and writing about psychosocial support in communities since 1998 in the Caribbean, the Americas, and South Asia, and has designed and implemented the a community-based psychological support program in South Asia that served 732,000 people and trained over 22,000 interventors. He has authored or co-authored eight books in Spanish and English on psychosocial support and over 40 referred journal articles. His work was recognized by the American Psychological Association (APA) by being awarded the International Humanitarian Award in 2008 for assisting in the design and preparation of international guidelines and standards, rapid response, training of staff, program management and implementation, and monitoring of psychosocial support on behalf of the American Red Cross (ARC) in South Asia. He served as the ARC Global Technical Advisor for Psychosocial Support from 2005–2007. He is currently serving as a Psychosocial Technical Expert with the IFRC Psychosocial Support Reference Center in Copenhagen, Denmark and the IFRC Americas Region integrating psychosocial support into component the Zika epidemic response.

His previous books include Advances in Disaster Mental Health and Psychosocial Support (2007) and Disaster Mental Health in India (2004).

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