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Advances in Audiology and Hearing Science, Volume 1
Clinical Protocols and Hearing Devices

Editor: Stavros Hatzopoulos, PhD
Associate Editor: Andrea Ciorba, MD, PhD
Associate Editor: Mark Krumm, PhD

Advances in Audiology and Hearing Science, Volume 1

Published. Available now.
Pub Date: May 2020
Hardback Price: see order info
Hard ISBN: 9781771888288
Paperback Price: see order info
Paperback ISBN: 978-1-77463-179-9
E-Book Price:  see ordering info
E-Book ISBN: 9780429292590
Pages: 600pp w/index
Binding Type: hardback/paperback/ebook
Notes: 34 color and 109 b/w illustrations

”This unique book, volume 1 of two volumes, offers current evidence-based information on a variety of topics in audiology. . . .The book and its related online content are invaluable to the audiology profession. The book is laid out with an abstract, introduction, history of the topic, and a thorough dive into the topic in an evidence-based fashion. It is readable and practical. These qualities are a perfect blend for both students and clinicians. The idea to marry multimedia content that can be updated more easily with the detailed written work results in a strong learning resource. . . . The audience is students, although they can be in a doctoral program or professional learners honing their craft. The book is historical, detailed, and practical, providing information that can be foundational knowledge as well as used in clinical practice. The authors vary in their expertise as well as location, making this a valuable, global resource.”
—Doody’s Notes,
review by Lori J. Newport, AuD (Biola University)

Now Available in Paperback

With chapters from audiology professionals from around the world, Advances in Audiology and Hearing Science—presented in two volumes—provides an abundance of information on the latest technological and procedural advances in this ever-improving field.

Volume 1 primarily focuses on revised clinical protocols and provides information on new research to help guide decisions and criteria regarding diagnosis, management, and treatment of hearing-related issues. Topics include new clinical applications such as auditory steady-state response, wideband acoustic immittance, otoacoustic emissions, frequency following response, noise exposure, genomics and hearing loss, and more. The volume also includes a section on canine audiology, allowing students and professionals a broader exposure to hearing science.

Volume 2: Otoprotection, Regeneration, and Telemedicine includes sections with material related to hearing devices, hearing in special populations, such as the children and the elderly, as well chapters on the fast-growing subfields of otoprotection and regeneration, including pharmacologic otoprotection, stem cells, and nanotechnology. Topics include early auditory development in children after cochlear implantation, music therapy, the effect of music on hearing health, and auditory enhancement. Several chapters focus on telemedicine, the remote diagnosis and treatment of patients by means of telecommunications technology.

The volumes have been specially authored and organized to function as teaching aids for undergraduate and graduate courses in audiology and speech pathology. The volumes will also be a valuable reference for professions in in audiology, hearing science, neuroscience, and ENT (ear, nose, and throat) and a rich source of information for audiology professionals wishing to keep abreast of what’s happening in the audiology and hearing science field.

Click here for information on Volume 2
See information on the complete set here: Advances in Audiology and Hearing Science (2-volume set)


1. Current and Emerging Clinical Applications of the Auditory Steady-State Response (ASSR)
James W. Hall III and Sara Momtaz

2. Application of Wideband Acoustic Immittance (WAI) in Assessment of the Middle Ear in Newborns, Children, and Adults
Navid Shahnaz

3. Auditory Efferent System
Thalita Ubiali and Maria Francisca Colella-Santos

4. Blinking and Looking: An Eye-Tracking Approach to Studying Cognitive Processing Differences in Individuals with Speech, Language, and Communication Disorders
Jennifer M. Roche and Schea N. Fissel

5. Canine Audiology
Kristine E. Sonstrom and Peter M. Scheifele

6. Central Auditory Processing: From Diagnosis to Rehabilitation
Maria Isabel Ramos do Amaral, Leticia Reis Borges, and Maria Francisca Colella-Santos

7. Recent Advances in Otoacoustic Emissions
Lisa Hunter

8. Non-Conventional Clinical Applications of Otoacoustic Emissions: From Middle Ear Transfer to Cochlear Homeostasis to Access to Cerebrospinal Fluid Pressure
Blandine Louren

About the Authors / Editors:
Editor: Stavros Hatzopoulos, PhD
Associate Professor, ENT and Audiology Department, University Hospital of Ferrara, Italy

Stavros Hatzopoulos, PhD, is a faculty member of the Audiology & ENT Clinic, University of Ferrara, Italy. His background is in biomedical, engineering, audiological engineering, and hearing science. He received his habilitation as an associate professor in 2014. He is the author of more than 185 book chapters, peer-reviewed papers, and congress presentations. He has participated in numerous European concerted-action projects in the areas of otoacoustic emissions, genetics, and nanotechnologies. Currently he serves as the editor of the Portal on Otoacoustic Emissions ( and as the audiology section editor for the Journal of Hearing Science. Dr. Hatzopoulos has a BS from the University of Southern California, an MSc from Texas A&M, and a PhD from Worcester Polytechnic Institute in Massachusetts.

Associate Editor: Andrea Ciorba, MD, PhD
Clinical Researcher, ENT and Audiology Department, University Hospital of Ferrara, Italy

Andrea Ciorba, MD, PhD, has been a member of the Audiology & ENT Clinic, University of Ferrara, Italy, since 2004. He is the author of about 120 peer-reviewed papers and book chapters, and he is a member of the editorial boards of several peer-reviewed journals. His clinical field of interest is audiology and vestibology, and he is also involved in research activities in the field of otoacoustic emissions and inner ear electrophysiology. After earning his degree in Medicine in 1999 and a Diploma in Otolaringology and Head and Neck Surgery in October 2003, he obtained a PhD in Audiology in March 2008. He received his habilitation as an associate professor in 2014.

Associate Editor: Mark Krumm, PhD
Associate Professor, School of Speech Pathology and Audiology, Kent State University, Kent, Ohio, USA

Mark Krumm, PhD, is an associate professor in the School of Speech Pathology and Audiology at Kent State University in Kent, Ohio (USA). He was the chair of the first American Speech Language and Hearing Association Telepractice committee. This working group generated position statements leading to the adoption of telehealth practices in speech language pathology and audiology in the USA. Dr. Krumm also chaired the American Academy of Audiology committee, leading to its first statement on teleaudiology. In addition, Dr. Krumm has been involved with global education as a long-term mentor for the Fulbright scholar program and as a visiting scholar to India and Qatar.

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